chapter eighteen

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I'm under arrest. Everyone thinks that I cut Heidis tongue out. I mean I'm totally jealous on her relationship with Kyle and I had fantasies about that, but I'd never do it. I don't want Kyle to suffer because of me. But yeah everyone in this goddamn town is fine with blaming me without even checking if it's true. I didn't have an alibi for the night that people would believe. My mom, Rodger, Clyde and the twins had went out of town to pick up some relatives and Clydes weird sister who were going to stay over for christmas. I was alone for two days. Only hanging around in my house. So yeah not really a solid alibi claiming I was at home watching TV. The only person who believes that I'm innocent is Kenny. At least I have one real friend.

Today is my hearing. I find it quite unfair that they still believe it was me, especially since Heidi couldn't confirm it. She is pretty messed up and in psychiatric treatment. Oh yeah and she's not able to talk so this makes things a lot harder. If she could just tell who it was or at least that it wasn't me, but she can't. I hate South Park law system. The police sucks. They didn't even investigate just asked a bit around about potential suspects and that's it.

Right now I'm sitting next to my lawyer waiting for this crap to be over.
„Don't worry Eric. We'll be free soon. Thehehe."
Yeah that fuck is still with me too. I have a little control over him now. But he's helping me whooing Kyle so I cannot send him away for now. I need him. Or at least that's what he always tells me.
„How do you plead Mr. Cartman?"
„Not guilty.", I say through gritted teeth.
„They jury will confer. So you have about an hour break.", the judge says dismissing us.

„They have no real proof whatsoever.", Kenny says while smoking next to me.
I was allowed to catch some fresh air during the break. Kenny has come to support me. He's still a bit messed up because of the whole Craig thing. Fucking Tucker lost his mind. He's regaining it slowly but yeah he still hates Kenny again because that idiot told him about the shit he did. This could've been Kennys chance to make amends and start over with Tucker. But no he's a dumbass.
„Yeah but this is South Park. A town full of morons so they'll convict me. I'm screwed and all of that just because I'm not taking my meds.", before I realize what I said Kenny looks at me in horror.
„Uh...", I can't talk my way out of this one.
„Eric, are you 100% sure you didn't do it? You know how he can take you over."
„Ugh shut up Kinny! What do you know anyway?", I scowl at him.
„Just tell me if you're 100% sure. Please."
„Yes I'm sure. I was watching all seasons of Friends and all Harry Potter movies while my mom, Rodger and the twins were gone. I have barley moved from the couch these two days."
„And you've told this to the police?"
„Yeah", I sigh, „but obviously they didn't believe me."

„Let's proceed with this trial.", the judge says, „what is the decision of the jury?"
A old man stands up and clears his throat: „The jury has come..."
„WAIT!", a voice yells. A familiar voice.
I turn around and see Kyle. Kyle Brofslovski. My crush.
„Young man, how dare you interrupt this trial.", the lawyer from the state that represents Heidis case.
„There has been another cutout tongue. With a message. You got the wrong guy. Mr. Cartman has been in police custody all the time so it couldn't have been him. This case needs to be rechecked."
„The case is dismissed until further notice.", the judge barks and starts talking to some offical people.

I join Kyle and Kenny outside.
„Thank you Kahl.", I say looking at my shoes.
„Hey, Cartman look at me. You're welcome. No one should be falsely under arrest. I'm sorry for not believing you before. I was just so mad and confused so like the rest of the town I just wanted someone to blame. Even if Heidi and I broke up I still care a lot about her."
„Yeah I get that."
„Well since they released you for now I don't think I should stick around any longer. You two need to catch up. A lot. We'll talk later you guys.", Kenny says and waves good bye.

After Kenny is out of sight I look at Kyle. The butterflies on my stomach started to flutter. I looked in his eyes. They were green as the gras and staring directly back into mine. My face heats up and I look away.
„So... how has skewl been? I bet Kinny annoys you to death.", I snicker trying to look like my old confident self.
„Yeah... look dude I'm sorry for not reacting to you after Tokens party. That confession just confused me. Especially since things with Heidi weren't going as well as everyone thinks."
„It's kewl Kahl. No worries. How about you tell me about this other cutout tongue that sort of saved my ass?"
„Yesterday night I was walking home from Heidis. And then I saw something in the distance beyond a lantern. It was Red Skeeter. You know Craig Tuckers cousine."
„What the fuck?! That's so messed up dude..."
„Thehehe is it really?", amor Eric whispers in my ear.
„Shut the fuck up!", I hiss.
„What?! I didn't even say anything.", Kyle looks at me confused.
„Ugh... sorry I'm just messed up. But Kahl can I ask you something? Like something personal?"
Kyle gulps: „Err... sure."
„Why did you break up with Heidi?"
„You know her. She's kind and loving but also extremely clingy. I just realized that I wasn't that into her anymore. I mean we've been together for four years and it just didn't feel right anymore.", he shrugs uncomfortable.
„I get that. Even tough I don't like her I would never wish for something so horrible to happen to her."
„You're lying. Thehehe. Weren't we thinking of taking her out like all the time? You're mad because someone got to her first. Thehehe.", the annoying voice eggs me on.
„Stop putting that shit in my brain. I can't take it anymore!", I yell forgetting that I'm still with Kyle.
He grabs me by the shoulder and looks at me very concerned.
„What's wrong dude?", he asks.
„Thehehe. Look thanks to me he cares about you. You're so lucky to have me. Thehehe. Without me you'd be nothing."
„Shutupshutupshutup!", tears well up in my eyes as I get more and more frustrated.
„Woah Eric calm down. I'm here. I don't know why you want me to shut up but I won't leave you. Not again."
„It's not you who needs to shut up", I say while wiping my tears away, „it's him."
I point at amor Eric only to realize seconds later that Kyle won't see him.
„Oh no... he's back again? Why didn't you say anything? Aren't you taking your meds?", he looks at me with still a worried and compassionate expression.
„Well... it felt good to have him back for a while. He gave me confidence boosts and stuff. But it turned dark pretty fast all these destructive thoughts and feelings. That's also a reason why I never left the house except for skewl. I couldn't tell my mom. You know she's so busy with the twins. So yeah that's how I got here. The police knows I'm not taking my meds but they didn't care. They also haven't told my mom or anyone. Else I probably would have gotten meds ASAP and wouldn't be here. So that's about it. I have to be honest and say I had dark thoughts about Heidi but I would never ever do something to hurt you in any way. Physically or emotionally. Not anymore. Not like I used to."
Kyle takes my hand: „Let me give you a lift home. We still got a lot to discuss. Also we'll stop at the pharmacy to get your meds."
„Thank you Kahl.", I say while staring at our hands that are clasped together. I blush furiously and let him drag me away.

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