Chapter 2

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"Any boys caught your eyes this year Ali?" Heather asks obnoxiously.

"I don't have time for boys this year, haven't you grown up at all?" I rudely ask her.

"Oh please, we all know that's not true, there's no way you aren't obsessing over someone." she fires back.

She honestly has a point, I am boy crazy. Always have been. But I really don't want to be known as that starting out this new year. There was no one even in my sights at the moment. I had developed tons of friendships with guys and that made girls jealous but I didn't really care much about what any thought. Life is to stressful that way. 

"Where there's a will there's a way." I say back to her. 

A few classmates chuckle and I just ignore the smug look grin on her face. When she notices the chuckle is towards her she has the nerve to spit out, "Well we all know he will come into light soon enough!" and rolls her eyes. 

I'm grateful when the spanish teacher walks in and starts speaking spanish. That'll take everyones mind of thinking of which boy I will fawn over this year. 

In the past, I constantly had crushes on boys. Nothing serious, it was just my reputation, I was fixated on having someone I was attracted to, I don't know what my deal was, but this year it stopped. I didn't want to be the crazy flirt everyone talked about. 

That was much easier said then done. Once you have that kind of reputation EVERY time you come in to contact with a boy, it's automatically assumed as flirting. Which got old real quick. I really wasn't trying to be that way, but as it turns out guys are a lot more fun to be around than girls. There's less drama and gossip, guys just say things how they are and I was the same way.

By 3rd period History I'm already done with the day. Thankfully lunch is next period and I just get hang with my friends. I have a lot of my friends in this class thankfully, it should be a good one, it's just a lot of memorization and some essay question for tests. Should be a breeze. 

"Can I have your pickles? How do you not like pickles?" I ask Mariah as she picks through them on her sandwhich. 

"Ali why do we have this discussion everyother day? I always let you eat my pickles, and I just don't like the texture, dill is to strong!" she states.

"Well I knew I could have them I just was trying to be polite, I'm turning over a new leaf." I reply.

Lyla starts laughing throught her teeth, "Asking before taking food? This is a new leaf!"

"Why the sudden change of heart?" Erin chimes in at the table.

"Guys chill, I just don't want to be annoying anymore! My mom gave me a lecture about how not everyone is like me." I playfully scold them all.

"Well all of us are used to it by now, so it's not annyoing!" Mariah hands me another pickle.

"Not just about food though, life in general. People get bothered by stuff that I don't get bothered by. So she's just trying to make me see that just because it doesn't hurt my feelings, it could hurt others." 

"I'm sure everyone can work on a little bit of that. I do see where she's coming from though. Sometimes you say things without thinking and it comes off bad towards someone." Lyla says.

"That's exactly what I'm trying to change this year guys. I don't want to be looked at by things I did in the past." I plead. 

"Good for you!" they all say in union. 

Erin looks like she's gonna say something and then didn't, so we all ask  "what?"

"I heard about what Heather said in spanish this morning, Hudson said Heather looked so dumb trying to get a reaction from you." she says. Hudson was Heather's twin brother. He talks without thinking more then anyone cause he just doesn't get offended by stuff either, he's hilarious. 

"Yeah I just wish I hadn't been so obnoxious about boys growing up, but hey we live and learn."

"That was big of you to just ignore her, that's the best way to just move on I guess, you know all she wants is a reaction." Mariah praises me. 

"Thanks, I just want to be the bigger person I guess, her true colors will come out to the guy eventually. I'll just wait until it happens. Are you guys ready for the game tonight? Did y'all try to get everyone to come?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"Oh yeah!! It's gonna be a full house tonight!!" 

As exciting as it sounds, something tells me a world a problems awaits. 

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