Chapter 17

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"A surpirse party??" 

"YES! I think it would be perfect since his birthday is June 5th it would be a great way to kick off the summer!"

"Wasn't last night a great way to kick of summer?" Mariah laughs. 

"Well I guess so but I think this would be fun, and it serves a purpose too! I don't know the last time he had a birthday party, but I want to show him how special he is to all of us!"

They all roll their eyes at the last statement, they know he's really only "special" to me but they get the picture. 

"You'll have to call and ask his mom, because she'll have to ok it." mom says dryly. As in good luck. 

I decide to grab my phone and call his mom. 


"Hello? Ali?"

"Hi Mrs. Homles! Is Sterling awake yet?"

"No he is still asleep, I'm sorry."

"No that's great! I was hoping he would be! I was wanting to ask you something if you have a few minutes!"

"Ok yes that's fine!"

"So, last night after the party was over I had a few girls stay the night! This morning when we were all talking we thought it would be so fun to throw Sterling a surprise party since his birthday is in just a few weeks! his friends would all be in on it and we would plan the whole thing! You wouldn't have to do anything just come!"

"Well...I think that would be very nice! That's very thoughtful of you! We can talk about details closer to time! I'll talk to Sterling's dad and get back with you! Have a great day!"

"Thank you! You too! Bye!"

Did that really just happen?


"YES! YAY! GOOD!!!" everyone is excited for me! I'm so excited too! 

"I have to notify everyone! Y'all can help me with that! By texting your own people! Megan you can text Andy, but everyone remember this is a surprise!!"

They all look at me like I'm nuts, which I'm not denying but I'm passionate and I want this to be special. He needs to see how much he means to me, and others too of course. I won't be seeing him much in the next few weeks anyways so it'll be easier to keep quiet, I'm not very good at the quiet stuff. The food won't be a big deal, I'm sure his mom will offer to bring some stuff even though I told her she wouldn't have to if she didn't want to. We will just do whatever he wants I guess. This will be my present, this is the way I'll show him how I feel, he can't deny it now. 

After my friends leave I start making a list of the summer and all my activities. I have a very hectic summer, but I'm glad because I like to stay busy. 

Summer 2013

1. Sterling's surprise party

2. Brook Haven Summer Camp

3. Local Missions Trip

4. Vacation with Grandparents

5. My 15th Birthday

The only thing that is hard about busy summers is the go by to quickly..I'll be a sophmore and back in school before you know it. The only good thing about being back in school is volleyball season will be starting too, we lost a lot of seniors last year so this year we will be decent but have to rebuild. I can't wait for Sterling to come watch me this season, I always play so much better when guys are there, and now that I actually have feelings for one it'll be even better. I want to go watch him play too, that's one of the things that is most attractive about him-he's athletic. He is good at anything he tries. I  just hope we will be able to go with eachother to games and such..what if things get worse and his parents don't let him do anything with me? I begin to wonder what things will look like for Sterling and I one year or even 3 months from now..I really feel like it's something that will last. I don't really see what can get in the way of anything, there's not any other guys I'll be interested in but what if there's another girl who he ends up wanting more than me? What if all of this is for nothing? 

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