The Meeting

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It's been almost a week since they both sat down with Melanie.

Since then, Jo has been the first one to have a one on one with the counselor.

Melanie sent an email that night that they met and had their next visits and questionnaires attached to the email for them to fill out.

Jo wasn't too happy that she had to meet with Melanie first but the singer was willing to do whatever she had to, to make this an easy and drama free process.

Tonight, Melanie wants to meet with Kassie to complete their first one on one.

They are meeting at some bar that's 10 minutes away from their home.

Jo was a little confused as to why a bar would be the place for them to meet.

Especially when Melanie had them two to meet at her office, which is where she thought Kassie and Melanie would meet.

"Babe!" Kassie's voice bellowed out of their bathroom door.

Jo was sitting on the end of their bed tying her shoes. She was going to go out to eat with her sisters while Kassie was doing her solo session.

She opted for some black sweat pants and a long sleeve black shirt and tennis shoes.

To top off the outfit, she had her makeup done naturally and added a black hat on top of her long auburn curls.

Jo stood from the bed and dusted her self off before walking to the bathroom.

"Yes, my love." Jo answers in a sweet tone.

Kassie was leaning over the counter and putting her makeup on.

She had on some black tight-fitting jeans with a white short sleeve shirt that showed her lower belly.

She had on some black heels, and her hair was in a top bun.

"How do I look?" The event planner asks her soon to be wife.

Jo was leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed.

The singer looks the fan up and down before bitting her lip.

"You look good babe. Too good, if you ask me."

At her last statement, Kassie turns around and raises her eyebrow at her fiancé.

"Babe. Don't start." Kassie exhales out.

Jo raises her hands up in a surrendering motion and shrugs her shoulder.

"I'm just saying. You look to good to be meeting a professional but whateva Kassie."

The singer jokes and walks back into the room to grab her things.

Kassie glosses her lips and walks out of the bathroom, joining Jo in their master suite.

She grabs her small crossbody Chanel purse and puts it on her right shoulder.

"Jo, I'm going to a bar so I want to look the part and not like I'm in a meeting."

Jo side eyes her fiancé with a "mhm look" before walking out of the room.

Kassie just shakes her head before whispering.

"We can't all wear sweats everywhere we go."

Before she knows it Jo pops her head back around the door frame, startling the fan who was on her way out.

"What did you just say?" Jo asks in a dark tone.

Kassie bites her lower lip and tries to step around the woman.

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