Dresses, Suits & Oh, My!

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It's been a week since the whole ordeal with Gizelle and Mo. Since then she has been doing good. Ella has been a part of her healing. That little ball of energy has been showering her Auntie Gizelle with so much love since she's been staying with the family.

Last night, Ella even asked to sleep with the woman. Gizelle had been feeling a little down that night and Ella cuddled right up to her in her bed and fell asleep.

Kassie and Jo had been getting last minute things together for their wedding. They'd ask Gizelle for help with creating seat assignments at the reception. So far, she has gotten a good grip on the arrangement. Jo likes everything that Gizelle is doing with the seat assignments, so Kassie is happy if her fiancée is.

They are down to their last six weeks and everything has been pretty much taken care of. Instead of the two ladies wedding dresses. Which is what they are doing right now. Looking over some designs that Vera Wang has sent over for the couple.

"Babe what about this one?" Jo asks her fiancée who is sitting on the other side of the table looking at the same list.

"Huh, what?" Kassie still asks focusing on the dresses in-front of her.

"This one." Jo says as she pushes the design in-front of the curly-head woman's face.

Kassie looks at the image and raises her eyebrows in shock.

"That's a suit? Where did that come from?" Kassie says as she starts swiping through the other pictures in-front of her.

"Oh, yeah. Well, I looked at all the dresses, and they are beautiful, don't get me wrong but I don't think I want to wear a dress. So, I had Vera to send me some women pants suits late last night."

"Aww, babe. That's okay if you don't want to wear a dress. I'll marry you if you were wearing your famous sweatpants and sweatshirt."

Kassie jokes as she grabs her fiancé by the hips and pulls her closer. She places a lingering kiss on Jo's exposed clavicle bone and Jo just laughs out loud and smack the goofy woman on her shoulder.

"You're such a goofball, Kassie Monroe." Jo says as she moves to sit on the younger woman's lap.

"Yeah... but I'm your goofball." Kassie clarifies before kissing Jo on the lips.

They peck each other's lips a few more times before pulling back.

Jo reaches over for her computer and pull up the image of the suit.

"I like this pants suit, but only the jacket." Jo acknowledges.

"And I like the pants from this suit." The singer continues as she swipes through the next three images and stops at the one, she was searching for.

"Okay. What about the color, though? Are you doing Black?"

Jo bites the inside of her mouth and thinks about the questions Kassie just asked her.

"I was actually thinking of not doing black. It's my favorite color, but I want my suit to be a different color. I want to pop while I'm walking down the aisle."

Kassie looks at the woman surprisingly.

"What?" Jo smiles.

"Nothing. I just didn't think you would walk down the aisle."

"Why would you think that?" Jo says as she turns around more to look at her fiancée.

Kassie tightens the hold on the older woman's waist and swallow before continuing.

"Well since your father..."

"No, babe. That...that won't affect me wanting to walk down the aisle. I still want too."Jo replies sadly.

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