Chapter 8

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*Author's note: this chapter includes a flashback to a serious sexual assault*



Jenny's startled eyes began to adjust to the darkness. "Is it a power cut?"

There was still silence. What an untimely power cut. She glanced across through the gap between the drawn curtains, but she could see windows lit up through it. She could see that her bedroom window was still alight.

So close, yet so far. Maybe anything between Paul and me was never meant to happen, she thought to herself. This was a sign. He shouldn't be interested anyway. It was Claire he wanted. And anyway, she had only really known him for three days. This was coming too soon. Two days ago, she'd thought he was repulsive. Was she thinking straight? No, she wasn't. She couldn't possibly be.

Again, she called out to him. "Paul?" For a moment, she thought he might have gone. She reached out her hand, and was relieved to feel that he was still there.

She heard him murmur something that she could not make out, and then he spoke.

"We've run out of credit."


"We have a prepay electric meter."

"Oh. Can you put some coins in it?"

"No, you have to top it up at a shop. Anyway you'd better be getting home. My mum will be back soon."

"Have you got a torch?" she asked. "I don't even know where your stairs are, let alone how to walk down them in pitch darkness with a sore knee. And a twisted ankle!"

"If we have," she heard him say, "I'll never find it in this light. I'll help you."

He guided her downstairs, taking her by the arm. Jenny stumbled halfway down, but Paul stopped for her, letting her regain her balance.

His hand brushed against her side, and she felt a tingle. She dismissed it as accidental. They eventually made it down the rickety, steep stairs.

"Is your knee okay?" he said, tenderly.

"Fine, thanks," she said, apprehensively.

"I'm glad."

Paul saw her to the door, and opened it. Starlight poured into the dark house, and Jenny could once again see Paul's face.

"If I don't see you before," he said, "I'll give you a call at the weekend, check that ankle's okay."

Jenny smiled and nodded. She turned, and listened to the sound of the door closing. Paul would more than likely see her again before then. Hopefully.

Walking dreamily around the corner, she noticed the old, red car that had driven past earlier. It pulled over and turned the corner. It was Paul's mum. So that's why I got such a quick brush-off, she thought. Just in time. She would not have wanted to get into any sort of trouble with his mother, who looked very volatile, even if things would have gone more smoothly than she had planned that way.

She reached her garden gate, and then entered the house, dropping the catch behind her, and headed for the TV room, where the gas fire was on. Evidently, Mike was still up.

Jenny switched on the television, and decided to watch the last few minutes of a late night detective show.

Five minutes later, she was just about to learn the identity of the murderer, when Mike walked in from the direction of the lounge.

Mike had been an actor originally, and Jenny's mum, May, was a make-up artist on one of his productions. They were friends then. After Fiona, Mike's first wife and the mother of Deny and Becky, died tragically, he had given up acting. A chance encounter two years later reunited May and Mike. They fell in love, and were married. Now Mike worked for a security company as a regional manager, and May had her own salon. It was a beautiful love story.

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