Chapter 16

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"Enjoy your hot date, Jenny?"

This snide remark came from the mouth of a local boy Jenny knew fairly well, Jack Edwards. She had never liked him. Now he was the first to comment on her new relationship as he rode past on his bicycle. She knew that he would not be the last. Today would be difficult.

The regional news had been rather discreet about the whole affair, saying that last night police had intercepted a major kidnap plot which had involved local missing girl, Claire Joseph, who was now safe. Tragically one paramedic, yet to be named, had been killed. Two other local people had been involved, but neither was seriously injured.

The local daily, however, was less diplomatic. "Paramedic killed, young lovers taken hostage" This story had mentioned both Jenny and Paul by name, and had not made the connection to Claire's kidnap, which probably hadn't been known to the media until after they had gone to press.

Mike and her mother had just dropped her off in the car, close to the university. Becky had chosen to walk. Because of what had happened the night before, her parents were terrified to leave her. They were picking her up from the same place at four, and had tried to persuade her not to go to the interview that day, as Paul had also requested last night. But the quicker things got back to normal, and the quicker people were confronted, the better, thought Jenny.

She glanced back, as she could feel Mike's gaze, still watching her. He wasn't going to let anything happen to her now, after yesterday. She hoped he wouldn't be too overprotective now. She needed her freedom more now than ever before. She needed to spend time with Paul.

Turning the corner she repositioned her bag comfortably on her shoulder and thought of what was lying ahead. There was bound to be a little collective lying in wait for her somewhere. They knew she was coming. Whoever made the mistake of pushing her over the edge would discover her sting, she had decided.

As she walked past Claire's house, she noticed that Claire's mother was in the garden, collecting the papers from their mailbox. She looked up at Jenny, and smiled.

"Hello, Jenny," she said. "Did I tell you that the police have got him? And we're getting most of our money back?"

"Great," smiled Jenny. "I hope the missing money is found, too." She pushed her hair back into position after the wind moved it over her eyes. "How is she?"

"She's not so bad, considering," smiled Mrs. Joseph. "She'll be staying at home for a while though. She has been through a lot. But she didn't let it get her down. You have to admire her."

Jenny had to agree, but she still did not think much of the way Claire had treated them once they had freed her.

"Well, I'd better be going now," said Jenny.

"Bye, Jenny, and thanks again," said Mrs. Joseph. "And how is Paul?"

"He's going to be fine," said Jenny.


Jenny walked towards the school and away from the large house. In a way, she thought, Mrs. Joseph and her daughter were very alike. They were both pretty much self-centred. Mrs. Joseph had been too excited about getting her money back to worry about Paul, who nearly died for that cause.

She was approaching the campus when she saw Lucia, waiting for her.

"Hi," smiled Lucia. "I thought I'd better meet you here. You need someone to stick up for you before you go into the lions den."

"Are things really that bad?" persisted Jenny.

"Lucy's looking out for you," said Lucia. "God knows why. She's not back at uni until next week. I think she's trying to get a few people together since she read the paper this morning."

J & P Book 1 - Say You Need MeWhere stories live. Discover now