Chapter 11

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From where Paul was standing, he could just see a blurred figure running helplessly towards him, terrified. He immediately recognised her, as she drew closer.

"Jenny?" he gasped, once she was within hearing distance. "Are you okay?"

"No... no... no.... oh Paul!" She ran to him, and fell into his arms. "I'm so glad you're here, someone.. someone's.. following me."

"Following you?" He looked around as best he could, cautiously. "Where?"

"Oh.. in the park," she said, catching her breath, hugging him tightly. "Paul, I need you. I need you to protect me."

Pride filled his heart as she said this. He had never felt needed by anyone until this moment.

"Are you sure you weren't imagining things?" he asked, trying to reassure her. "You've had some pretty scary experiences lately."

His hand gently stroked her back, and descended smoothly, as if instinctively, but as soon as he realised what he was doing, he stopped. He was not going to take advantage of Jenny while she was in such a state.

"No.. I saw him.. Oh Paul!" Being several inches shorter than him, she was looking up into his eyes. "I think it was one of two people."

"I see, the guy who's got Claire, or..."

"The guy who's been phoning me up."

"You seem certain that it isn't the same guy," said Paul, deep in thought.

"Paul, they can't be the same person. I realised that earlier. This guy called me before Claire was taken. There are two weirdos out there terrifying me silly. And for what?"

"Don't worry," he replied, letting her rest her head on his bruised shoulder. "I don't think it was the guy who's got Claire. And I'm certain it wasn't this caller."

"How do you know?" Jenny looked at him with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Because," said Paul, slowly. "You know who I saw hanging around the park the other day?"

"No, who?"

"Jon Richards."

"Oh. That could explain it."

Jon Richards was a guy who had been at school with Jenny and Paul, before leaving at the age of sixteen. Jon made Deny look like a naughty schoolboy. He was, to all extents, a criminal. Paul had heard that even Deny was wary of him.

Paul was terrified of him. When they had been in the fourth year of high school, Jon had threatened to kill him. He had regularly attacked him at school as well. Of all the bullies Paul had encountered at Jenton High, Jon had to be the worst. He could sense that Jenny was frightened of him too, after hearing of the terrible sexual attacks that he had allegedly made on girls in the past couple of years.

"So that's why you didn't want to go to the park on Tuesday," said Jenny, slowly. "Oh, Paul, I wish you'd told me he hung around there. I wouldn't have cut through it."

"Sorry. Didn't want to scare you, that's all."

Jenny smiled. "I suppose I've been scared enough this week already, haven't I?"

She backed away and held both of his hands tightly, swinging them forwards and backwards.

"Is Deny in?" asked Paul urgently, sensitive to the fact that this place was visible from his window.

"No," said Jenny. "Not unless he got home after I left the house. But I think he said yesterday that he's going out tonight."

Paul relaxed a little. He did not want Deny to see this open display of affection from Jenny. It might cause problems for her, and she had enough problems already.

J & P Book 1 - Say You Need MeWhere stories live. Discover now