Chapter 17

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"Who the hell is he, Jenny?"

Paul jerked away and looked up in dismay at the face on the picture in Jenny's room.

He watched as Jenny stood up, putting her hand to her face. "How did you find me here?"

"I said," repeated the harsh voice, "Who is he?"

"He's Paul," Jenny took her hands away and walked towards the man in the doorway. He appeared to be a few years older than Jenny and Paul were, tall, dark and handsome, traditionally good looking, the type of boyfriend that Paul would have expected Jenny to have. He feared the worst.

"He's my boyfriend," Jenny said to the tall figure.

"What about me? I'm your boyfriend, remember?"

"Not any more. I don't need you anymore," said Jenny, moving back towards Paul. "I never needed you."

"Who's this?" Paul whispered to Jenny, needing to understand what was going on. "Is he Joe?"

"He's Joe," nodded Jenny, sitting down on the bed next to him. "And I want him to go away."

"And what's he going to do about it?" Joe asked with sarcasm. "He's hospitalised. Probably by your brother, with a guess."

Jenny got up again, looking very angry. "No. Not this time." Paul could tell that she wanted to explain the whole story to Joe, but was relieved when she chose not to.

"Do you love him?" asked Joe, after a pause.

"Yes!" shouted Jenny. "Yes, I do, Joe! Are you satisfied now? Will you leave me alone to live my life the way I want to now?"

Was she just saying that to get rid of Joe? Paul thought she might have been.

"You don't love him. You said you loved me. You're a slag. I'm warning you, boy," Joe said, raising his voice and looking critically at Paul. "She'll break your heart. She's nothing but a slut."

"Joe!" shouted Jenny.

"Now that's enough," said Paul, feeling it was his turn to get nasty. "I won't have you talk about my girlfriend like that, whoever you are,"

"Oh, now you're getting tough, Mr. Bedridden Freak!" shouted Joe. He pushed past Jenny and made his way towards Paul's bed. Jenny ran after him.

"You might think she's your girlfriend, but she's mine," he growled at Paul. "Just ask her. She's never stopped loving me. It's obvious."

"Well, it's obvious to me that she hates and despises you," shouted Paul. "And so do I."

"Paul!" pleaded Jenny. "Leave it, don't make him angry!"

"Too late," said Joe, glaring menacingly at him.

"Joe, stop it!" Jenny was screaming at him. Paul watched in horror as Joe slapped Jenny around the face, and she retreated, shocked.

"You've gone too far now," said Paul, getting out of bed.

"You just wait and see," shouted Joe, approaching the bed once more.

At that moment, there was a booming voice heard from the entrance. Paul at first thought it was a doctor, but it was a very different saviour to who he had expected.


It was Deny.

Deny's hateful eyes concentrated all their venom on Joe.

Joe froze for what seemed like an eternity to Paul, but could not have been any longer than a second. Then, somewhat panicked, he made a run for it, past Deny. Deny made no attempt to follow him.

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