Love Me (Navia/ NatsuxJuvia)

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"Gray sama is hiding something from Juvia" I told Gray standing in front of him with my back facing him. "Gray sama please tell Juvia"

Me and Gray have been going out for three months now. " Juvia I'm not hiding anything from you"

" Juvia heard all about it from Lucy"

"So you know now huh? That Lucy's pregnant with my kid"

Tears form in my eyes. "W-why didnt Gray sama tell Juvia?"

" I just dont want to hurt your feelings Juvia"

" Gray sama lets end this" I whisper and he left. I guess thats a yes. The rain started to pour and I walk to Fairy Hills alone. "Juvia?" I stopped.

" Natsu san?" Natsu walk up to me while happy flew next to him and hugged me. I hug him back and cry out loud. " Natsu san!" I cried. He stroke my hair hugging my closely. "I heard all about it. Lucy being pregnant with Grays child while dating you."

" Juvia dont know what to do anymore" I whisper and Natsu grab my hand.

" First we need to clean you up before you get sick" said natsu smiling. I nodded my head and walk to Fairy hills with Natsu and happy but they both went to my room by flying through the window. . We got into my room and I left to take a bath in the bathroom. I walk out refreshed with new clothes on to see Natsu walking around my room looking at all the Gray dolls I have. " Natsu can take those away. Juvia dont need them anymore"

He sigh. "Juvia chan your so pitiful" cry Happy as he hug me. I laughed and hug happy. " Your so cute Happy"

"Juvia..."Natsu mumble with his back to me. "stay put I'll be back" he jump out of the window. Yea boys arent allow here in Fairy HIlls so Natsu kinda use the window as a door.

He came back a flew minutes later with food. A lot of food. " Natsu..what is this?" I ask.

"Well I heard that girls eat when stressed" He said.

I just laugh. " Natsu san. Juvias not stressed just...sad" I said as Gray and my memories together flash through me. My tears started to come out. " Gray...he never loved juvia" I cry. " He...why would he..why did he pretend to love juvia? what have Juvia done wrong to never be loved?"

Natsu hug me again. " Juvia you idiot. You are loved." He whisper. " How about this? Go on a job with me and Happy tomorrow morning okay?! We'll be waiting for you! And the food..well eat to your hearts content!" he said and left fairy hills with Happy.

I smile at Natsu and look at the grays in my room. I grab some ropes that are in my room and do not ask why I have them. I grab all of the grays I have and tied them on the rope. I walk outside of Fairy Hills and I threw the grays tied onto the rope into the sea. I ran back into Fairy Hills and cry myself to sleep.

The next morning I walk to Fairy Tail to see Natsu and Happy sleeping on a table.

" Good morning Juvia!" smile Mira. " Good morning Mira. What happen to those two?" I ask.

" They where at the front of Fairy Tails ever since I got here. They were still asleep so I carry them here"

Wow Mira is strong. " Juvia see.."

"So how is everything Juvia?..After hearing that Lucy is Pregnant with Grays child and hes still dating you and the fact that..."

" Please Mira....Juvia havent told anyone about this yet"

"I see" said Mira with a sad expression. " Juvia..why havent you told Gray?" she ask me.

" Mira. Icant tell Gray. Let him be with Lucy because I know..Gray doesnt truly love Juvia. If Juvia tells Gray then he will be in under pressure and if he chooses to stay with Juvia Juvia will feel Guilty..and what if Lucy's child is born without his real father or without a father at all? Juvia cant stand that feeling of having a child without their parents"

" What about you Juvia?" said Mira. "What about you and Gray's-"

" Mira please dont" I said and took a deep breath. " Ugh Juvias eyes hurts" I mumble.

" Ah Juvia! You're here!" Natsu yawn waking up.

" Good morning Natsu san"

"Mira? Whats wrong?" ask Natsu to Mira and she just shook her head. " Nothings wrong" she smile. "Well are you two off to a job together with Happy?"

" Yep!" said Natsu all fired up. " I already chose a job too! Are you ready Juvia?"

I took a while to decide. " Juvia guess so-"

" hold on what job is it?" said Mira. She read the paper over and over. " Juvia are you sure?"

I nodded my head. " Juvia will be fine. Lets go Natsu san" and we both left. We walk pass Lucy's house and I saw Gray and Lucy eating breakfast through their window smiling like a newly wed.

"Juvia look" Natsu pointed to the sky. " Isnt it beautiful?"

"beautiful?..Its just a clear and blue sky" I said.

" Thats not it Juvia" said Natsu. " Look closer."

I look closer to find nothing so pretty about it. " See? Juvia your minds on the sky now"

My eyes widen as I notice that Natsu was trying to get my mind off Gray and Lucy. " T-Thank you"

" You never ate those food I bought you last night huh?"

" What?" Oh no I never ate them. " Sorry..."

" Its alright Juvia!" said Natsu.

Later on we finish the job quickly and walk back to Fairy Tail. But on the way something unexpected happen.

"Well what do we have here?" said a guy showing up out of no where. A group of other people arrived with him.

"W-what is this?" I whisper.

" Stay behind me Juvia, Happy" whisper Natsu. " These guys smell dangerous"

" Oh lookie here its Fairy Tail brats! And its the salamander too."

" How much do you think We'll get paid for?" they mumble.

" Lots..thats what I know'

" Now now now" said someone coming out of the crowd of people. " you should know Fairy Tail awfully well. They dont do things the way the enemies wants." he must be the leader. " We've just got to get their weak spot" he look at me in the eyes and I slowly back away. My body hurts. In an instant he appear in my very eyes and kick me in the stomach.

My eyes widen and I scream. No no no.

No...I couldnt move my body and everythings a blur.

Natsu POV

"Happy go warn the others!" I shouted and he flew quickly away. "Juvia!" I ran to her side as the man disappear back to the group of people. Blood coming out of between her legs. I knew it.

Listening to Mira and Juvia's conversation earlier this morning I wasnt wrong. Juvia having a soft scent of Gray onto her too. She was pregnant with Gray's child just like Lucy.

I clench my fist. " You bastard! You killed a member of Fairy Tail!" I yell and charge at him who kill Juvia's child.

Love Me (Navia/ NatsuxJuvia)Where stories live. Discover now