The First Time you Make Out

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The first time you made out was when Arthur had come back from a job. He had been so busy the last week and finally had a chance to just be with you. You were both laying on his cot, just laying together since he was pretty worn out from the week so you were just relaxing together. It had started out with a few small kisses and smiles but it slowly turned into a lazy make out session.


It's after a job goes particularly well and Dutch is in a really good mood. He came by your tent to give you the good news and when he pulled you into a kiss, neither of you planned on pulling away. The pair of you ended up making out on your cot before he actually told you about how well the job went and before you went to celebrate with the rest of the gang.


Let's be realistic, your first kiss with Micah is probably isn't going to be super sweet and gentle, unless you somehow manage to surprise him with a quick, gentle kiss. Most kisses with Micah are pretty hot and heavy, he doesn't really do short and sweet but, yeah, it happens pretty quickly and early on most likely. He will happily initiate it, normally it is him that initiates it.


You couldn't be sure whether he planned it or not but you often felt like that with Charles, everything always seemed to be so perfect that you couldn't see how it all just happened accidentally. You and Charles had gone hunting and stayed out a little too late, you decided to set up came somewhere safe. You both ended up making out in front of the small campfire, keeping warm. You spent the rest of the night cuddling, you didn't want to go back to the camp the next morning.


Javier isn't going to do this just anywhere, he usually limits himself to simple kisses around the camp. He wouldn't want you to make you feel uncomfortable or anything. It would be somewhere quiet and private, maybe even just your tent, but somewhere comfortable. You would be just sitting or laying together, enjoying each other's company and sharing a few kisses. Slowly those little, somewhat innocent, kisses became deeper until you were making out.


Sean is aware of how...enthusiastic he can be. He doesn't want to push you too fast but it really doesn't take much for some sweet kisses to turn into a full make out session with Sean. So, it probably happens pretty fast. Still, he makes sure that you are 100% comfortable with everything, he would never do anything that you weren't comfortable with. Sean is super into it, very handsy.


Hosea takes his time, not seeing a need to rush anything. In his opinion, it will happen when it happens. It will happen naturally so technically he won't initiate it. Maybe you'll just be laying together one evening, sharing a few kisses and it will slowly turn into a make out session of some sort.


You are probably going to have to initiate it, at least the first time. It will be a quiet night, the two of you sitting together and getting away from it all. That's when you would initiate it. You will probably be able to feel him trying to hold himself back, he just doesn't want to push your comfort zone or anything. This man still manages to make it sweet, he gets a little blushy and flustered afterwards, it's really cute.


It happened once his scars had healed from the wolf attack. You had been sitting with him in his tent and you gently brushed your fingertips against the freshly healed scar. He had been a little insecure about them at first but you assured him that he looked just as good with them, saying that they add character. He had kissed you and you told him that you were just glad that he was alright, that's what led to your first make out session together.


Your first make out session with Bill happened not too long after you started dating. Bill had been drinking, making him a little more confident. He normally gets a little more affectionate when he is a little tipsy. He guides you down to sit on his lap while you both sat at a table in the camp, away from the others. That's when the little make out session would start.


You and Lenny had just went to get away from the camp and the gang for a while, wanting to spend some time alone together. You had ended up sitting in the tall grass somewhere not to far from the camp. Your conversation had turned into sweet kisses but those sweet kisses started turning into more passionate kisses. Honestly it was such a sweet experience. You were both smiling and giggling, the giggles being interrupted by kisses. It was very loving, very cute and fluffy. Wouldn't change it for the world.


You will definitely have to initiate it, it's very unlikely that Leopold is going to initiate it, at least the first time anyway. He still can't believe you like him, to be honest. He had been in a bad mood, just a little miserable and moping around the camp. You had gone to see him later on, when it was quiet. You had a feeling that you knew what would cheer him up, so that's what initiated your first make out session together. You were right though, it made him feel better.


You had both been on a job that went south, it got dangerous but in the end you both made it back to the camp unharmed. You were in your tent, patching up any injuries you had gotten, nothing serious. You both let out a sigh as you told each other how glad you were that the other was alright. It led to a kind of emotional moment, some cuddling and kissing that ended up turning into a make out session. It wasn't something that was very hungry, just loving and passionate.


Josiah doesn't do anything small, it's go big or go home for him. You had gone on a job together, staying in a fancy hotel while you worked. After the job was done, you went back to the hotel and would head back to the camp tomorrow. You were celebrating a job well done with a glass of champagne, Josiah does like to spoil you. You ended up making out on the bed of the fancy hotel room before just cuddling and sleeping for the rest of the night. Overall, it was a very good business trip.


It's after Orville had a rough day, the gang and his withdrawals getting to him more than usual. You were trying to comfort him and he just needed affection, he needed you and he needed to you be just a little closer that you were. He actually initiated it, just wrapping his arms around you and kissing you. When he knew that you were comfortable as you kissed him back, he deepened the kiss still finding that he needed you a little closer.


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