Micah Bell: Afraid

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Micah Bell X Female Reader

Summary: Micah is finally able to understand what he's been feeling, and it scares the hell out of him.

Word Count: 3500

Micah fought off the urge to scowl or roll his eyes as he stood talking to Dutch, the latter talking about some money that they left behind in Colter. Micah wasn't too happy to hear that he was the one tasked with riding up there and collecting it. Dutch had told him that he could take another member of the gang with him, as if it was a mercy, as long as they weren't busy with anything else.

Micah's thoughts instantly turned to you when he was asked to consider a partner, there was simply nobody that he would rather travel up there with than you. You always seemed to make things better, more enjoyable. Even when you weren't trying, you just had to be there. Micah could never put his finger on why he felt that way or what he was feeling exactly but he knew that those feelings were there.

He wasn't too fond of the way you made him feel, the way his chest restricted whenever you smiled at him, the ease he felt when talking to you, the way he found himself looking at you even when he shouldn't be. He didn't understand it and he didn't like it, yet he found himself coming back to you every time.

Just like this time. Micah walked over to where you were sitting, minding your own business. "Hey, Micah" you greeted him with a smile when you looked up and noticed him approaching. Micah was about to return your greeting but stopped himself, why did you smile make him want to smile?

"Dutch just told me about some money that he left up in Colter, he wants me to go and get it for him. You coming?" Micah asked, his voice the same as it usually was. Gruff and disinterested.

"Hell no" you scoffed, not even giving it a second thought.

"Why not? What's your problem?" he asked, his brow furrowing in irritation. You couldn't help but notice that he sounded a little defensive, like you weren't turning down the job but you were turning down him.

"Last time we were in Colter, I nearly froze to death. I ain't going back up there" you shook your head, actively blocking out the memories. It was rough up there, you were glad to be at Horseshoe Overlook now.

"C'mon, it ain't that bad. It's too late into the year for another snowstorm, we'll be fine" Micah assured you and he was right, it was very unlikely for a snowstorm to strike like last time.

"Fine but you owe me, Micah" you huffed, finally agreeing to take the job. You wouldn't tell him, since he would probably take offence, but the only reason you agreed to go with him was because you didn't like the thought of him travelling up there alone.

The pair of you packed some things for the trip and the colder weather. Warm drinks, food, warmer clothes, blankets, your bedrolls, and whatever else you might need. Then you both met up at the horses and headed out of the camp.

"How did Dutch manage to leave all that money behind anyway?" you asked once you were away from the gang. It wasn't like Dutch to leave something like that behind, to forget about something like that.

"Apparently he forgot about it in the hurry to get out of there" Micah told you but you were still surprised by the mistake.

"And we have to suffer to get it back?" you asked, obviously not pleased about it.

"Orders and orders" Micah shrugged and you almost laughed, since when doesn't Micah take orders?

"Yeah, he doesn't have to hike through the snow. We better get a cut of this" you sighed, shaking your head.

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