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"Calum!" Michael practically screamed. It didn't bother him that the people who lived in the apartment right above them could hear him loud and clear, in fact, it didn't even cross his mind. But it definitely would cross his mind if they decided later to file a complaint. 

A couple seconds later, Calum hopped down the stairs, standing on the second last step and giving Michael a look, as if to ask him what was so important that he had to scream at the top of his lungs to get Calum's attention. 

Michael grinned childishly at the taller boy standing on the steps. "I'm taking you out to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles." He announced, crossing his arms over his chest. "So get ready, we're leaving at six." 

Calum raised one of his eyebrows as he fished his pen and notepad out of his pocket. 'Is that still even in theatres?' He wrote, handing it out to Michael. 

After reading what Calum had wrote, Michael silenced for a bit than laughed. "Probably not, now that I think about it. I didn't think this through very well." He admitted, handing Calum back his notepad. "Well, still get ready. We'll see whatever's on." 

Calum put his pen and notepad back in his pocket before nodding and racing back up the stairs. He loved be close to Michael again and he loved how Michael just expected Calum to go places with him. He wished he would've realized sooner that he liked Michael, because he was the happiest he'd ever been, going on dates with Michael and cuddling him. Even though they weren't even dating.

It took Calum longer than usual to get ready because they were going on a generic movie date and he wanted to look nice. When he reached the bottom of the stairs, Michael was stood in front of the mirror close to the front door, fixing his hair with jittery fingers. 

When Michael noticed Calum, he smiled and held out his hand. "C'mon, or else we'll be late for the movie." He whined, almost immediately dragging Calum out the door once Calum grabbed onto Michael extended arm. 

Michael called a taxi and they drove to the theatre in an awkward silence. Luckily, the theatre was quite close so the three didn't have to stand the unbearable silence for that long. 

Calum and Michael were giggling like immature thirteen year old's as they walked up to the theatre because the taxi driver had slurred his words so it sounded like he said "That'll be sex dollars." instead of "That'll be six dollars." 

Once inside the theatre, much to Michael's despair, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles wasn't playing anymore and they had to watch another movie. Though, Michael's next choice for a movie was The Book Of Life, Calum insisted they see Ouija. 

Michael hated horror movies with a burning passion. He got scared too easily, then the images of whatever he was scared of wouldn't leave his mind for weeks afterwards and it was overall very embarrassing for him, but on the other hand very amusing for anyone witnessing. 

Michael was holding onto Calum's hand as tightly as possible as they walked into the large theatre with their popcorn and drinks. The theatre wasn't packed, but there were groups of people awkwardly spread out away from each other. They were mostly teenage boys. 

They awkwardly sat themselves away from the other groups, Michael taking the seat closest to the aisle so if he really needed to, he could run out of the theatre quickly. 

The ads that play before the movie starts started and Michael was already jumping at the loud noises. Since it was too dark to see his notepad, Calum texted Michael 'Calm down, don't get yourself worked up, babe.'

Michael turned dark red at the pet name and silently thanked God for the lights being off so Calum couldn't pick at him for blushing. 'I'd feel a lot better with your arm around me.' Michael texted back, quickly sending a smiley face afterwards. 

He heard Calum chuckle airily before he felt a warm arm sling across his shoulders. He looked over at Calum, who was cheekily grinning back at him, causing Michael's cheeks to turn an even darker shade of red, if that was even possible. 

When the movie finally started, Michael had his head laying on Calum's chest. Every time something scary happened, Michael would squeal or whimper and hide his face in Calum's chest, then Calum would tap Michael's arm to signal that it was ok to look again. 

Calum thought Michael was absolutely adorable when he was scared and definitely didn't mind comforting him throughout the whole movie, even though some of the parts Michael jumped at weren't even scary. 

At the end of the movies, Michael was slightly sweaty from jumping so much and he'd also spilled their popcorn, but they just left it for the theatre employees to clean up. 

They left the theatre holding hands and it was a lot darker than they expected when they got outside. As Michael started to lead Calum towards the road, Calum stopped him and started pulling a quite confused Michael in the opposite direction. 

Calum led them down the sidewalk and to a dirt path behind a large building. Michael was surprised because he didn't know New York possessed nature and still very confused of where they were going. 

They trucked up a steep hill the dirt path had led them to and just as Michael was about to complain, they came to an opening and it shut him right up. 

They were on a cliff that over looked the city and it was stunningly beautiful, especially since it was nighttime. The sky was dark and the lights from the city shone brightly and it was the prettiest thing Michael had ever seen, besides Calum, of course. 

"How did you even know to come here?" Michael asked after a bit of silence. Calum just shrugged, taking hold of Michael hand again and leading him to the edge of the cliff, where they both sat down on the slightly damp grass. 

"It's so pretty up here," Michael commented, awing at the sky before glance over at Calum, who seemed mesmerized by the view. "But not as pretty as you." 

Calum looked over at Michael, his cheeks a deep red as he bashfully looked away. Michael quickly took the opportunity to lift Calum's chin back up so they were looking each other in the eyes. 

Though, they were both flustered and blushing like mad, they both leaned in at the same time, expecting for their lips to meet in the most cinematic, romantic way but instead, their noses awkwardly and painfully rammed into each other. 

"Ow, fuck." Michael gasped, his hand quickly coming up to cover his sore nose, as did Calum's. Both of their cheeks were even more red now, but from pure embarrassment. 

Michael took his hand away and Calum made a face before he took his away and Michael soon saw why he made a face. "Shit, is your nose bleeding?" Michael squeaked. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry, I didn't mea-"

Calum quickly cut Michael off by grabbing hold of the back of his neck, pulling him in and pressing their lips together passionately. 


i combined a bunch of different ideas together so i'll give credit to all of the ideas here but dedicate this chapter who  most based this off of. 

so the main idea i based this off of was from @xoCanUNotxo, @mgcthood bc you said cringey movies but instead i just made them do something cringey and @quantum-fags bc you said something with stars and i did something with stars. 

sorry if that ending seemed a bit cut off to you, idk how i feel about it still. 

if any of you read weird, i just updated it with this rant if you care and want to read it. 

i hit 200 followers yaay thank you!! ((:

um so i might delete drunk because i have no ideas of where i want to go with it at all but i guess if you have ideas for it you should kik me them (michaelgcliffrd) or message me them on here. and then i have another idea for a fanfic but i'm finishing this story first!!!

ok ye that's it byee

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