Chapter 8

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The picture above might or might not be Jungkook's room. Simple and plain.


Jungkook definitely didn't see this coming and he definitely wasn't ready. He never saw it when he first let Junsoo send her nut to stay with him. Or the second time. Or the third. Or the fourth. No. Jungkook never thought he would open the door to see Junsoo and her little monster with three suitcases standing there when the said friend had called and asked if she could come over. 

"So... what you're saying is your landlady threw you out because you couldn't pay the rent for four fucking months and now you guys are homeless?" Jungkook asked, which looked more like trying to re-explain the whole thing to himself but Junsoo nodded either way.

Jungkook looked at Junsoo then the luggage which was by the door and then to the annoying brat who had already made himself comfortable on the sofa after being there for many times, while the adults were still standing at the entrance.

"The fuck Junsoo? You were totally fine a month ago?" The boy arched his eyebrow. Junsoo was already working three part-time jobs and her life seemed to be moving pretty fine, just how much did the landlady rais the rent that now they're homeless? From what he knew the Onyx club paid pretty good to their strippers.

"Uhm... you see... "


Jungkook managed to sexile Jimin and Jin only for three days before Jimin called at the ass crack of the morning, five fucking a.m., that he wanted his beautiful sleep on his comfy bed and didn't care if they were fucking in the next room.

That's how the tattooed boy found himself running around the house and throwing everything that wasn't his, in his bedroom. Including the little monster with all his blankets as the kid was sleeping on the sofa these past nights.

Taehyung has never been to Jungkook's bedroom before. Jungkook-shi had banned him to. And when his mother asked to stay in the other room, he had told her it was his hyung's and they might find out. So his mother and Jungkook-shi slept in the latter's room while Taehyung slept on the sofa because the older said, "I want to be as far away from that midget."

Therefore, when the older picked him up, still huddled in his blankets, and literally threw him in his bedroom, Taehyung used the chance to get a good look at the said room. But when he was no longer confused and dazed as his mother had explained the situation and told him to stay quiet while she was getting ready for work. Soon she left the room and Taehyung was alone.

The room was poorly lited given how early it still was, only the light from the lamppost outside the window and a small table lamp illuminated it.  What caught Taehyung's attention about the older's bedroom was... nothing. There was basically nothing there in the first place to get the attention. In the middle was a huge double bed with lots of pillows fallen under. There were five lamps in differents shapes right above the bed. Some shelves with drawings on the wall, a window, a huge closet covering more than half of the wall and a desk with a laptop in the far corner. The walls were a deep shade of grey and along with the other gray things in the room, like the bedsheets, the closet and anything else, giving this dull and depressing feeling to the child. Taehyung didn't like the room, he decided. Everything was just a shade of grey and nothing more.

"Jungkookie! I think my hoodie is in yours!" Taehyung heard someone shouting before he heard the clattering of the doorknob. It must be his hyungie! Mommy said I shouldn't be seen by him! what should I do? Taehyung panicked. He then heard the door opening and Jungkook's voice yelling "No it's not! Wait!"

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