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Ginny POV

I wake up to a snore and arms wrapped around my waist protectively. I look over and see Z lightly snoring in the early morning. I look at my muggle alarm clock and see it is 6:30. I snuggle with a sleeping Z for another 15 minutes, then wiggle my way out of his comfortable hug. A take a warm shower for about 30 minutes, and by the time I get out Z is waking up. I giggle at him tossing and turning, trying to go back to sleep. I tip toe over to him, and give him a good morning kiss.

"Morning Z!"
"Good-yawn-morning - yawn- Red"
"Come on get up, mum will have breakfast ready in 15 minutes!"

At that he sits up, because mum makes the best breakfast.

"Ok, lovely wifey, I will be ready in 5! Draco is not stealing my bacon today!"

I giggle and go wake up the kids. Yes I now have two wonderful children. Rosabella who is now 10, and Blane dray Zambini who is 4. I walk up to Blane's room first, and nock.

"Password?" Comes a voice from inside.
"Nana is making breakfast today! Get ready in 5 minutes Blane!
"That's not a password mummy! But I want Nana's pancakes! I be ready in 5!"

I walk over to Rose's room on the other end of the hall. I nock, and hear mumbled complaints. She sure has her fathers attitude in the morning.

"What?" A half asleep voice asks.
"Nana is making breakfast today! Be ready in 5 minutes or dad and Uncle Draco are gonna eat all the bacon!"
"Ok, ok I am up! Dad and uncle Draco better not eat all the bacon!"

Back in me and Z's room I see Z pulling on his shoes.
"Are the kids ready?"
"Yes, and rose says not to eat all the bacon."
"Well if she isn't ready in time, I might!"

We wait at the stairs, when Blane and Rosabella come running to us. We were the first family down so we waited for Draco and Mia with their kids to come down. That is were I wish the day could have just been normal.

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