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"Rosa! Lyra! Come here!" Me and Mia call, and even though all the shouts in the hall they hear us and start to come over. When they get to us, along with the others kids, we adults decide that the kids should introduce themselves. Every kid is standing by their parents so we don't have to guess which red head went to who.

"Hi I am James Sirius Potter! I am 9 and I can't wait to go to school in 2 years!"

"Hello, I am Albus but I like to go by Al. I am 8."

"Hi I am Lily Hermione Potter, and I 4 years old!"

"Hey! I am Hugo Weasley, and I am 7."

"This is Daisy Ginny Weasley. And she is two."

"Hi. I Alice! And I am this many!" (Holds up 3 fingers)

"Hi-ya! I am Fred, and I am 8!"

"Yo! I am Roxanne, but I go by Roxy. I am 6."

"I am Molly, and I am 8."

"Hello. I am Lucy and I am 6!"

"Hello, I amz Victoire! And I amz 9."

"Hi! I amz Dominique, and I am 7."

"Hello! I am Rosabella, and I am 10."

"Hi, I am Lyra! And I am 7."

"So now that we know who everyone is why don't you all tell us about your time with grandma Molly? Hey where is molly?" Arther asks and looks around for his wife.

"I am behind you dear I had to go tell McGonagal that the kids behaved well. Oh Hermione! Ginny you returned!"

We get the famous Weasley hug, and then she starts scolding us.

"Where have you been? And now you have kids! And your married!?! What happened girls?" She looks sad at the end like she is blaming herself for us running off. I look and Mia and we sigh and turn back to tell molly the story, the whole story.

Draco POV
The kids come in and I see Rosa and Lyra go to their mums, and then me and Dray call to the others.
"Scorp! Blane! Gem! We are over here!" We wave them down and they walk over. Blane goes to Blaise and hugs him, pansy definitely awwwwed, while Gem jumps in my arms and scorp just stands next to me smiling at Gem.
"Daddy, me and Blane played a fun game of checkers and Rosa and scorp played chess! Lyra made a friend named Dominique!" She us smiling and even though pansy is talking to her own kids I can tell that she is thinking how cute Gem is. I set Gem down and me and Blaise turn back to pans and Theo.
"Sooooo, should we do introductions?" Blaise asks. We all nod and I pat scorp on the shoulder to start.

"Ok I am Scorpius, but I like to go by Scorp. I am 10 and I am excited about starting hogwarts."

"Hi, I Blane. I am 4!" He starts off kinda shy but by the end he is smiling up at Blaise.

"Hello! I am Gem-in-i, and I is 4 too. I go by Gem cause it faster." She pronounced her name slowly to get it correctly.

"Hi! I am Brutus. I also 4." He sounds shy and I see Blane smile so I think he just found a friend.

"And this is Tiberius, he is 2."

"So Draco, Blaise Gem said a lot of names earlier. Just how many kids do each of you have? And who are you guy's married too?"
Blaise looks at me and we sigh and turn back to tell them everything.

Wow guys two chapters in one day! Your lucky readers! Once again, I'd love it if you read my new story "My Raven" ! I love the ideas behind it but no one seems interested and I might delete it.

Hope you have or had a wonderful day!

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