Genius Play 12 - Introducing Ryoka's 'Other' Form of Tennis

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Ryoka’s POV:

“Best of one-set match! Echizen to serve!”

It is weird.

It is really weird.

It is really, really weird.

It is really, really, really—Right, I should stop this…. But it’s true. This is really weird.

Never in my life did I get the chance to serve.

Okay, that was an exaggeration but never was I this lucky. I was always unlucky. Being lucky is like an unlucky fate for me whereas being unlucky is like a lucky fate for me, which doesn’t make sense but it’s true. Well, kind of.

I have already started to not make sense. Maybe I should just give up this match. But then again, I won’t be able to make it to the regulars if I lose this one too. Although I could if I win the next match…but next is Ryoma’s.

I sighed deeply.

It’s not like I am lazy to win or something. It’s just that I am conserving my energy……for future benefits.

Yeah, right. Who are you kidding, Ryoka?

I looked to the sky and wondered what else I could do rather than doing a tennis match right now. I could be at home watching some western vampire shows. I could be at home eating the traditional Japanese food mom would be making. I could be at home sleeping. I could be at home running through my music playlist, not really paying much attention to any. But most of all, I could be at home reading yaoi mangas.


My mind wandered back to the match. I gazed at my partner and stood firmly, ready to hit back the tennis ball that could be served any moment-

-Why is that bandanna guy not holding a tennis ball?

The umpire waved his hand at me. “Are you going to serve or not?”

And that’s when I realized again that I am the one that’s going to serve.

Before my mind betrays me and day dream about the most random stuff again, I hit a quick serve.

My opponent blinked twice and stared at the ball at his side of the court and then glared at me.

He yelled, “Fushh, you didn’t give out any warning. So, you are surprisingly startling-people-off-guard type, huh?”

I stared at him blankly, not quite sure of what to reply.

I didn’t move from my spot from earlier and hit another serve as I wondered about the name he gave for my tennis style’s category.  Since when do I startle people off-guard? Well, I don’t remember doing any ‘surprises’ up until this very day.

Che. My category should be something like the-cool-girl-with-awesome-moves or something much cooler. Like the super cool girl with awesome element moves and could conquer the world with her super cold iciness-


Hold up, what?

I looked at the ball that’s behind me. Since when-

-Oh right. I was distracted again.

Come on, Ryoka. Have some kind of motivation to the match! You’re being as dead as a…a….a corpse.

I heaved a sigh and then, hit another serve as I yawned. The bandanna guy irked with irritation and glared at me before looking at the ball served. After hitting it back, he continued to glare at me.

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