Episode Forty-Six: Yeet It On Out of There

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(The screen is completely black. ALEX and the DARK CURSE's voices can be heard.)

Curse-She has gotten past our first line of defenses. They've even joined her side.

Alex-That sort of happens with friends. They kind of stick together.

Curse-We must create another.

Alex-Don't tell me we're gonna-


Alex-No! We can't use my mom's face! She's my mom!

Curse-And we can't have a three-headed guard dog of the underworld with two functioning heads! You will remember who commandeered this body and do as I say!

Alex-You'll have to do it yourself.

(The CURSE sighs.)

Curse-You're getting out of hand.

(Opening theme. Cut to Karkaton Volcano. The gang is walking together. VICTOR is riding on ANNALISE.)

Junko-A lava lake!

Victor-I'll go first.

(He takes a hanky out of his pocket and drops it into the lava.)

Victor-(fake-dramatically) Oh, no! I dropped my hanky in! And...

(The hanky burns to a crisp.)

Victor-Poof! It burned to a crisp, incinerated by thousand-degree lava.

Junko-Oh dear! Better make sure we're not next! Gotta make sure I don't throw you in or something.

(They are stopped by two hobgoblins. They draw their weapons.)


(She sets her booby trap.)

Daph-Nii-I first my booby trap. Is that the right word?


(He double-scratches Hobgoblin B.)

Mojo-Oh, so we don't kill it right off the bat.

(Hobgoblin A tries to attack DAPH-NII, but it gets shocked by her booby trap.)


Junko-My turn!

(ANNALISE walks up to her.)

Junko-And Annalise's, too, apparently.

(She does a mounted attack on Hobgoblin A, defeating it.)

Junko-Take that!

(VICTOR prepares to attack.)

Daph-Nii-I'll help you too!


(They both attack, defeating Hobgoblin B.)

Victor-Double kill!

(They resume walking. DAPH-NII and JUNKO are behind VICTOR and MOJO.)

Daph-Nii-I dunno how to say it or if I should say it, but I have a crazy she-rection right now. I'm, like, soaking wet, and I don't know why.

Junko-I mean, with a view like that (points at VICTOR's butt), how can you not?

Daph-Nii-I was looking at that (points at MOJO's butt).

Junko-That, too.

(They sigh as they lean their heads against each other and admire the booty.)

Mojo-What do you think they're doing back there?

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