Episode Forty-Eight: Quadruple Death Achieved!

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(Start in Karkaton Peak. The gang is walking together. DAPH-NII, SARALYN, ELLA, and TRINI-TII lead. ELLA is riding on ANNALISE. [NOTE: Whenever there are more than four members in the party, four members will be designated as "leaders" who do the fighting for that day.])

Daph-Nii-Well, guys, it's getting to be July, which means it's the hot season, especially since we're in a freakin' volcano.

Ella-That's not entirely true. We just exited the volcano the other day.

Daph-Nii-But we're right next to the volcano, so it's still hot.

Saralyn-I don't think that's how it works.

Daph-Nii-So the Great Sage left. I feel so sad. I really miss her.

Ella-Her? I thought that was a man you were talking to.

Guardian-You're both right. Henrietta was born male.

Daph-Nii-What is with you and turning guys into girls?!

Guardian-Stas is a completely different story with the exact same ending.

Ella-We can manage without the Great Sage.

Daph-Nii-What? We don't have any Tower-of-Flames. What are you talking about?

Ella-Because I'm here!

Daph-Nii-Okay...Yeah, I still miss her.

Ella-You just don't know skill. Watch this!

(She spreads her arms out. The floor beneath them turns into ice. Everyone slides along it until they crash into a dark griffin and two skulletons.)

Daph-Nii-Oh, shit.

(Opening theme.)

Daph-Nii-Way to go, Ella.

Ella-Sorry. I'll melt the ice right away.

(She puts her hands on the ground. The ice begins to melt away. The other leaders draw their weapons. TRINI-TII attacks Skulleton B in the sweet spot.)

Daph-Nii-What should I do first?

Junko-Fucking destroy them?

Daph-Nii-No duh, Junko.

(She screams into her microphone, defeating Skulleton B.)

Daph-Nii-I'm going on the offensive!

(The griffin attacks SARALYN.)


(Then it drains DAPH-NII's MP.)

Daph-Nii-Don't take my MP. I like it.


(The lightning strikes Skulleton A, defeating it, and jumps to the griffin.)

Saralyn-Take that!

(At this point, all the ice has melted. ELLA attacks the griffin. It drains TRINI-TII's MP.)

Trini-Tii-What? No! I'm the healer!

(The griffin drains SARALYN's MP.)

Saralyn-What? No! I'm the wizard!

Trini-Tii-Looks like you need some help, Saralyn. Luckily, I've been practicing my Cure spell.

(She kneels down to do a Cure spell.)

Trini-Tii-Mega Cure Saralyn!

Daph-Nii-(imitating TRINI-TII) Cure everyone!

(She heals SARALYN.)

Saralyn-That was a big help.

Daph-Nii-(still imitating TRINI-TII) Or just cure Mom!

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