Episode Fifty-One: It's Whappin' Time!

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(Start in the Dark Lord's castle. ELLA, SARALYN, MOJO, and ASH-LII are walking together.)

Ella-I sure hope we run into Daph-Nii and the others soon.

(They see DAPH-NII and the others up ahead.)

Ella-Wait! Look!

(MOJO points at them.)

Mojo-It's our peeps!

(They run towards each other.)

Daph-Nii-I'm so glad to finally run into you. Look who we found.

(She steps aside, revealing CAMERON.)


(She runs up and hugs him.)

Saralyn-I knew you'd turn up somewhere!

Cameron-Good to be back...

Ella-Who is this?

Saralyn-Why, he's one of my students.

Cameron-You mean you don't know me?

Daph-Nii-Yeah. I must have mentioned him to you once or twice.

Cameron-Once or twice?!

Ella-While we're talking about reunions, look who we found.

(She steps aside, revealing ASH-LII.)


(ASH-LII turns towards DAPH-NII's voice.)


(DAPH-NII walks to her.)

Daph-Nii-Good to see you again. Nice shades, by the way.


Daph-Nii-I don't think you'll be able to see with them on, though. It's dark enough in this castle as is.

Ash-Lii-Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem.

Daph-Nii-What? Why not?

Ash-Lii-'Cause I just can't see at all.

Daph-Nii-Of course you can't! You're wearing sunglasses!

Ella-I think I should explain this. Something must have happened after Ash-Lii's face got stolen because her optic nerves are missing.

Daph-Nii-Which means...

Ella-Ash-Lii's blind.

(DAPH-NII gasps. Opening theme. The gang begins walking. DAPH-NII, CAMERON, ELLA, and SARALYN are leading. ELLA is riding on ANNALISE.)

Daph-Nii-Lemme get this straight: Ash-Lii is honest-to-goodness blind?


Daph-Nii-Let's try to fix this. Trini-Tii, I'll need your healing powers.


(She steps forward and puts her middle finger and thumb on either side of ASH-LII's head and looks straight into her eyes. She looks at DAPH-NII.)

Trini-Tii-Just as Ella said, her optic nerves are gone. She's fuckin' blind.

Daph-Nii-That's all you're gonna say?

Trini-Tii-What else is there to say? Her optic nerves are missing!

Daph-Nii-Missing? Can't you put them back?

Trini-Tii-I'm not Safelite. I can repair, but I can't replace.

(ASH-LII's eyes turn blue.)


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