Episode Forty-Seven: Mojo Gets Hyper

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(Start in Karkaton Volcano. VICTOR and JUNKO are walking together.)

Junko-We now return to the adventures of Vic! And! Joonk! Today, we find ourselves journeying through this highly dangerous, lava-filled volcano. Will Junko be able to resist the urge to throw Victor into the lava, or will instinct prevail?

Victor-Uh, what was that last part?

Junko-We're journeying through a highly dangerous, lava-filled volcano! What part of that do you not get?

(All of a sudden, they hear a rumbling.)

Victor-Oh, no!

(A wall beside them begins to crumble as JUNKO yanks VICTOR out of the way.)

Victor-What was that?

(JUNKO climbs over the rocks and sees a treasure chest on the other side.)

Junko-Hell yeah.

(She scrambles to the treasure chest and opens it up. Inside is a spear with a pink heart for a tip.)

Junko-It's a new spear! For Joonk! That's my new name now. It's Joonk.

(They get ambushed by a burning mummy and a hobgoblin.)

Junko-I guess we are going to be battling today.

Victor-What, did you think they were gonna let us off easy?

Junko-Well, no. Let's just...ugh. It's despair time.

(They draw their weapons. Opening theme. VICTOR attacks. The hobgoblin slashes them both. JUNKO attacks it back. The mummy swallows JUNKO's spear.)

Junko-Not the demonic spear of doom. I just got that! I swear!

(The hobgoblin attack VICTOR.)

Victor-Oh, you're in for it now!

(He begins singing "Friday" by Rebecca Black.)

Victor-It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday! Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend! Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday! Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend!

Junko-That's not an attack.

(The mummy begins dancing.)

Victor-Is it?

Junko-I'll show you an attack. I'm gonna punch with power!

(She punches the hobgoblin, defeating it. VICTOR attacks.)

Junko-Junko goes in for the punch!

(She punches the mummy. It spits fire at her.)

Junko-Breathing fire!

Victor-More attacking!

(He attacks, defeating the mummy. It spits out JUNKO's spear.)

Junko-Gimme that spear!

(She grabs the spear.)

Junko-Why do they always go after me?

(Cut to the kitchen at the inn the next morning. VICTOR is looking through the cabinets.)

Victor-Let's see...what do people like in this household?

(JUNKO enters.)




(VICTOR takes out a hobgob donut and begins eating it. JUNKO stares at him.)

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