Episode Forty-Nine: The Funniest of the Bosses

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(Opening theme. Start in the Dark Lord's castle. The gang is walking together. DAPH-NII is riding on ANNALISE.)

Daph-Nii-(rapping to the tempo of the opening theme) This is the story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down.

Victor-What's got you singing that?

Daph-Nii-Didn't you hear the...back there...oh, never mind. (voice-only) So currently, we are on the adventures of Daph! And! Trin! And Vic and Joonk. The party freaking got split up again, so we have to keep wandering around this castle until we find them, and hopefully, we'll find some of our other friends.

(They come across a treasure chest.)

Daph-Nii-A treasure chest!

(She opens it. A bansheevil and two imps jump out of it.)

Daph-Nii-Aw, snap.

Trini-Tii-It's scary.

Daph-Nii-Eh, not really.

(They draw their weapons. DAPH-NII sets a booby trap. TRINI-TII raises her staff. A yellow glyph forms in front of her.)

Trini-Tii-In the name of the Guardian and all things holy, I command you to begone, thot! Righteous Anger!


(The glyph shoots towards Imp B and misses it.)

Trini-Tii-Aw. It always misses.

(Imp A tries to attack DAPH-NII but gets shocked by her booby trap.)

Daph-Nii-Booby trapped.

(The bansheevil prepares to attack DAPH-NII, but she hides behind VICTOR.)

Victor-Yo, why are you going all the way to me?

(The bansheevil attacks VICTOR.)

Daph-Nii-Ooh, nice!


(Imp B prepares to attack VICTOR.)

Victor-That is the last time you hide behind me, young lady! You could've at least hid behind Trini-Tii.

(Imp B attacks him.)

Victor-Aw, snappadoodles.

(ANNALISE walks up to him.)

Victor-So I might have been a bit distracted. I can recover from this.

(He mounts ANNALISE, who snorts blue fire on the enemies. JUNKO Stabs Imp B, defeating it.)

Junko-Ooh, there goes one!

Daph-Nii-Nice, Junko.


Daph-Nii-There's only one thing I really need to do.

(She sets her booby trap. JUNKO prepares to attack.)

Daph-Nii-I'll help you!

(They attack the bansheevil, defeating it.)


(TRINI-TII attacks Imp A in the sweet spot, defeating it.)


(Fade to a while later. The gang comes across a sign.)

Daph-Nii-It just looks like a simple matter of straight or left. Er, right. I forgot my directions.

(They go right. Just then, the lights go out. Only DAPH-NII can be seen.)

Daph-Nii-Aw, frick. Who turned the lights off? Did the Dark Lord forget to pay the fire-for-the-spooky-chandeliers bill? It's dark.

(She goes to the left. She trips and falls.)

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