love me again p2

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briar pov
i woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. i mumbled quietly to myself before rolling over and grabbing it. "hello?" i groaned into the phone. i didn't even try to be nice, no one interrupts my sleep. "heyy b, i was wondering if you wanted to hang out today again? last night was great," myles said cheerfully as i dragged myself out of my bed. "sure," i answered bluntly, turning it on speaking and setting my phone down. while listening to him ramble on about what we should do, i grabbed an outfit and got changed. "sounds good. i'll see you then," i said quickly before ending the call. great.

myles pov
i think i'm finally getting my girl back and i couldn't be happier. i really missed her and i'm so glad that she's willing to give us another chance, she's amazing. i really do love her. i got out of my car and walked towards her house, knocking on the door as i approached it. after a minute, she opened it with a small smile, "hey." she looked so good. i stared at her for a few moments longer with a huge smile before finally answering, "hey, are you ready?" she answered with a nod then we both got into the car. we made small talk as we drove to the ice cream place then went inside and sat at our favourite booth.
"the usual?" i said with a smirk, looking at her expecting a yes. "no let's just get our own," she shrugged before ordering her ice cream. what? we always share one when we come here? that's strange. i brushed it off then ordered for myself. "so what's new with you?" she asked as she began eating. "nothing really. i've been focusing on my music a lot more so i've spent most of my time doing that," i smiled. "what else have you been doing? ally?" i looked at her confused, "what? no, why would you think that?" she rolled her eyes and laughed, "i just expected you to be with her. you know since she's better than me." "briar she's not better than you, why would you think that?" i frowned, taking her hand into mine. she quickly pulled her hand away and stood up, "actually i didn't think that. that was until you made me. if she wasn't better than me, you wouldn't have cheated on me with her. so did she reject you or something? clearly she did if you have to lower your standards and come crawling back to me. well you should've thought about that before you cheated asshole." i joined her standing and sighed, "baby i'm sorry, okay? i've told you this. i made a mistake and i regret it."

briar pov
"well sorry won't cut it this time! this isn't the same as forgetting our anniversary. this is cheating myles! i can't even think of anything worse than that. do you have any idea how badly you hurt me?! i cried for days because of you then when i'm finally over you, you randomly come back into my life! no! i won't let it happen this time, i'm not falling for your fucking games myles! i hate you!" i screamed at him, feeling my eyes filling with tears. i couldn't take it anymore. i raised my hand then slapped him. i froze. did i really just do that? fuck. that's when the tears began falling. i could feel everyone's eyes on us. i grabbed my bag then ran out. i just kept running until i got home. i can't believe i let myself fall for him again. i'm so stupid. well this is the end. i'm done with myles erlick. once and for all.

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