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It was now Thursday, being the day after the day when the four students in years eleven and twelve had some secrets shared, and years ten, eleven, twelve and thirteen were gathered in the rather large hall, with year ten at the front, then eleven, then twelve, then thirteen at the back, some sitting, some standing. 'I have already had this talk with years seven, eight and nine earlier, and I would like your full attention. Instead of this period before break and tutor, we are going to have a little talk about school rooms.' The headteacher, Mr Viben, was stood at the front, behind a podium with a microphone, so all the students could hear his voice. 'Last night, the caretakers were going around the school cleaning things up, and noticed the security room was unlocked.' Hermine and Virgil, who were sitting next to each other gave each other a look that said 'well we might be caught today. Farewell brotheren' or something similar, as Hermine bit her lip and the two looked back forward. 'Only the caretakers have the keys to those kind of cupboards, and check it is locked, both morning and night. The only time between them in the school day, and teachers have no need to be in any of those places, the only logical solution is for some students who think they're funny, to mess up the school's security system. I know that it probably will not be any of you, as you are far less immature than those of younger years, or at least I hope so. The issue is currently being resolved, though we will find the culprit or culprits who think they're funny enough to pull this trick off. For now, we do hope you stay aware that some school rooms like the cleaning and security rooms are off-limits for all students, unless directed by a member of staff and with a member of staff with them. That will be all, dismiss from the front. Silently.' At that, the first group of year tens started leaving the hall, and the rest of the years started chatting. 'Did you forget I said silently?' The Hall quietened down as the rest of the pupils left the hall. Hermine's twin, Helena, who was the second oldest in year ten, rushed up to the two of them, and just started being random, which was a just a thing of hers. 'Should we go up to the cupboard? See what's going on? I heard there were, and probably still are, a few caretakers and teachers trying to figure it out. Why not join the party?

She speed walked towards the direction of the room, near which some students had already gathered. One of the house councillors in year thirteen was next to it, asking for students to calm down. She spotted Virgil, giving him a quick wave before going back to ushering students down the corridor. She was going to do a degree in teaching, anyway,  specifically of primary schools, ushering children could become the norm for her. 'Bea!' Once most students had left for tutor, including Helena, and a few others, as well as all the year tens, Bea made her way over to the two, her gingerly-brown wavy hair bouncing on her shoulders as she walked. 'Do you like this?' She pointed to the green badge pinned on her body. The house of Dean does need its representatives!' She flicked Virgil's tie also, which was the same colour as his house. 'And of course, you could be the next red representative of Moore house!' She also flicked up Hermine's Moore tie. 'I've got to go help out the year sixes with induction tomorrow, so I've got to practice the presentation with the other councillors. I'll see you later!'

At that moment, the two year twelves walked up to the room, and peered inside. Frida didn't see much wrong with it, so what caused the disturbance? 'What happened here?' One of the caretakers was explaining when he heard her. 'Looks like electricity people have found. Apparently that device has been shocked both on and off with the equivalent of a taser. Who would carry one here?' Logan looked at the lock inside, before speaking to his friend. 'It appears the lock has been picked using the classic technique of a hair clip.' 'What? Like in those spy movies? Surely that's not possible in real life, no?' Hermine replied, trying to cover herself up, which was... apparently working. 'Actually, That is entirely possible, and many people have accomplished it before, so who says that a bunch of students can't?' Logan looked towards a few teachers, still trying to figure it out. 'Mind if I have a look? I could possibly recover the feed. I work in computer science, so I might be able to help out.' The teachers nodded, and let him go inside. Virgil then had his opportunity to speak up. 'Hey! Would you mind if we... came with you? I'm also doing Computer science so I could see if there was anything... missed?' Frida looked back and smiled at the two. 'Sure. If you can help, or at least watch, you can come.' The two elevens followed suit, walking into the room, which was surprisingly big that it could fit the four in. 'We need to find things that could... help put it back online.'

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