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'Ćømë ßåçk hēré ŷøü łīttłë pįêćė øf-' The feminine creature was cut off by a wall of jagged rock slamming into her body. She let out a demonic screech before vines circled down her arms, cutting through the rock, eventually breaking it into pieces and smashing holes into it. The wall broke down, as the creature re-pursued  her chase, not losing sight of the girl. The girl had short brown hair, which was covering one of her eyes, and barely reaching down to her neck. She flicked her hair out of her face, to keep sight of the road, and the demon creature presumably following her. She heard another demonic sounding screech, and knew her attacker was somewhat close. In an attempt to again slow it down, to make her escape, she caused another rock formation to jag up from the ground, then ducked behind a nearby alleyway, with the creature narrowly avoiding her further attempt, as the girl bit her lip. The creature surveyed the surroundings, then opened her black, angel-like wings, and took flight, soaring into the skies, letting out a third demonic screech before seemingly heading out in the opposite direction. Boy was she wrong. The girl looked out, only to see a second creature, this time a masculine one, with a veil of water covering his silvery wings, similar to the first's. She took her teeth from her lower lip and braced for impact as both creatures dived towards her, sending a cascade of feathers and creatures flying from her as another rock wall jagged up from in front of her.

'Ŷøü ŵøñ't gēt åŵāŷ thīś tïmë, K! Ŵë'łł čårrŷ øń hūñtíñg ŷøü døŵń, ñø mâttér ŵhāt ŵê hàvė tø gø thrøùgh tø gêt thēré!' The feminine creature screeched. The male creature looked closely to the next hiding spot the girl had placed herself in, then backed up, as he seemingly couldn't find anything. 'Thërē ärê ßêttër thįñgš tø dø thäń hùñt śømê łïttłê īñćøñśîdérätë träîtør. Thërē ŵíłł ßé øthérś ŵhø ćäñ śåtīšfŷ øùr ñéëdš. Ćømê, Ć.' The masculine creature led the feminine one, who again scanned the surroundings before taking flight in an unknown direction.

The girl smirked and came out of her hiding spot, then breathed heavily, and pulled down the sleeve of her hoodie. Her face twisted into a look of concern as she noticed blackish cracked lines down her forearm, similar to a vein in shape. She knew she was a traitor. A filthy little traitor. Even the marks said so. If she could just go back and plead their apology then... no. She had to get out of that toxic mindset. Working with, or more like working for, those two Surges was never the right thing to do in the first place. Using her powers for who knows what, and now they were coming to hunt her down, for being the filthy little traitor they thought she was. Curse these powers. Curse this place. Curse her life. She pulled the sleeve of her black hoodie up again, brushed her hair out of her eyes, and started walking away from the scene. Running was her only option in this scenario, and it had to work or she'd simply die in the hands of the creatures. Double trouble, she called them as a duo, and she instantly thought of Jessie and James from team Rocket. Why did her mind have to wander? She started walking faster, avoiding gazing at anyone in fear that one of the Surges could be in front of her, forming into some humane idea of life, ready to grab her at any moment. She bit her lip, looking for a place she could have a little quiet, though not like people would notice her quiet. Bingo. A cafe.

She ordered a black coffee, as usual, paid, and pulled out her phone and searched up a certain contact. She knew exactly who to call. She took a sip of her coffee and dialled the number.

A ringtone was heard in the living room of the Kinglon's, and everyone searched their bags, pockets and tables for their phones. 'Not me.' 'Me either' The two sisters replied. 'Not mine. Probs not Ro's.' Roman shook his head, before hearing Bea. 'It's mine. Just let me speak.'

Bea moved to the kitchen, and picked up the phone. 'K? You ok? K? What happened? Do you need anything?' 'It's fine.' She sounded genuinely worried through the phone. 'Can I be with you for a little bit? It's just... I want to tell you in person. Where are you?' 'Do you remember where the Kinglon's house is?' 'You mean the two sets of twins?' 'Yes.' 'Of course. I'll be with you soon. I'm on my way.' Both put their phones down, and sighed.

The girl finished with her coffee and left the cafe, making her way to the house, which wasn't that far away to be honest, whereas Bea put her phone in her pocket, and resumed her position in the living room, between Virgil and Remus.
'Sis?' Bea zoned out. 'Huh?' 'Who was that?' 'Just a friend.' 'You literally asked them if they were okay multiple times. You were literally shouting. I don't know what the rest was, but are you sure both they and you are okay?' 'Yeah. I'll be fine, and they will be. All will be perfectl—' she was cut off by a knock at the door, only to rush and open it, then engulf the girl in a hug. 'K! You're okay!' K smirked. 'Hello to you too.' Virgil stood behind his sister, with a confused look on his face. 'What is happening here?' Bea twirled around, placing her hands on her younger brother's shoulders. 'Oh! I forgot to tell you Virge! Virgil, this is K, K, this is Virgil, my brother. He's a year eleven, done his GCSE's and going on sixth form next year! That's why he's still in his uniform at school, you see. Virgil, this is K. She's been a friend of mine for a while, and see as the recent events have come this week, she's probably going to be rather welcome here.' K smiled, and flicked her hair back, before walking into the living room. 'Hey guys, this is my friend K.'

'We will keep you updated later tonight. Thank you for watching.'

Frida was over at Logan's, as he turned the tv off and placed a hand on his forehead. Why did this have to happen? 'Well what do we do now?' Logan paced around his Blue painted room, before taking off his glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose. 'Do we go to the scene and scan for anomalies, though would it put us at risk?' He continued to pace, then picked up a black notebook with an image of a black and white brain on it with glasses, and a pen of black in colour, also containing the same emblem. 'That's a cool notebook. Where'd you get it?' Logan continued to pace before replying. 'A few of my friends went to college instead of sixth form, so I don't really get to see them anymore, or well, as often. You know a few, like Pat, Talyn, and Thomas who made this for me. Apparently he's working on a few things in his spare time, like creating characters to do with parts of his mind.' He stopped. 'Did the inspiration come before or after inside out?' He questioned, in which Frida shrugged in return. 'He even thought about naming some of the characters after us, like for instance the two sides of creativity. Roman would be the Disney-obsessed light creativity, and Remus would be the more dark and crazy dark creativity. Of course, Remus would be included later, to build up tension of all the dark times. Heck, Virgil got Anxiety.' 'What are you then, mr calculator watch? The logical, smart one?' 'Exactly, Frida. Literally Logic. Well figuratively, in the sense that I'm me and—' Frida stopped him. 'I get you don't mean you, as in you now.'

'On with the topic. Do we go to the Kinglon's? I know the rest were walking back with them, so I have no doubt that at least one extra person will be at their house.'
Frida nodded. 'I think that would be the best idea. What would we put in a bag?' He looked confused for a second, then spoke. 'Why do you need to carry so much stuff?' Frida had pulled out her bag she took to school. 'You know I need to take this back. You never know if I need to go home or something for one reason or another.' She noticed his expression. 'No need to correct me Grammar Nazi.' Logan glared at her. 'I know you're not an actual Nazi. It's an expression.' She winked and nudged his shoulder.

Logan looked the door behind him, and set off tho the house of the twins, well double set of twins, for the next time. Hopefully they knew something about what was going on. The two carried on walking, this time in an uncomfortable and slightly awkward silence. 'Soooo... the weather, Eh?' Frida started, in order to break up any unwanted awkwardness, which was impending on them. 'It's... uh... cloudy today?' Logan sighed. 'Was this topic chosen to be spoken, as it lets your mind figuratively wander, and distract you from the impending doom that could be at hand?' Frida simply looked at him. 'Lo, you're not helping.' She glanced down at her shoes for a brief second, then resumed her sentence. 'In fact if you put it that way, that could make it even worse.' The boy frowned, looking down, similarly to his friend. 'We're here.' Logan didn't bother knocking, as he saw some people inside, though he was not prepared for the person he saw. He opened the living room door, with Frida following behind, then stood, mouth agape.


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