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'Yes. Of course.' Logan stood up and moved towards the kitchen to get a piece of kitchen roll. The rest of the group heard him blowing his nose, before a bin opening and closing, then his return. 'Sorry, just needed to blow my nose.' 'Nooooooo.' Remus clearly sarcastically responded. 'Sherlock we definitely didn't hear you in there.' Hermine also said. 'God dammit Does anyone know what the reference is? Really? No one?' She sulked, crossing her arms. 'I honestly thought somebody would know at this point.' The rest shook their heads, causing her to pout, but still sit up. 'Do we still need to ask questions?' Remus asked, regarding the two sixth formers who had but recently snuck into their house. Logan shuffled himself further to the edge of their corner sofa, which could surprisingly fit four of them, while the other one sat three. 'I think we should. Who would be the most able-bodied and actually go first?' Freda was the first. 'Firstly, where's sparky? The cat?' Virgil pulled his hood further over his head to hide his embarrassment, as he was going a shade of tomato, even with the pale foundation hiding most of it. Roman put a hand on his, before being the one to answer. 'He's upstairs. He lives in my room. He's curled on my bed as I know.' Frida re-nodded. 'Secondly, you ok Virgil? I saw you fall and—' 'I'm fine. I'm perfectly—' Virgil's phone rang. 'Gotta take this. My sis is calling.' Virgil walked out of the room where more childish questions were heard from the others.

He picked up the phone to
see it was actually a FaceTime call. 'Oh. My. God. Virgil. Are you okay? What happened? I heard the headmaster said you had some kind of injury and had to go home, and then you weren't there and—' 'I should have told you. I'm round at Roman's, with some other people. Like Frida, Logan, Hermine etcetera.' 'Mum was so worried! Do you know how worried she was? She thought you could have died! Well that was the worst case scenario.' Her face looked tired, then yawned. 'I'll come over too. I know where their house is, Projects, you know. What? It's fine I'll come.' 'What—' Virgil interrupted before she hung up.

He placed a hand on his face, and rubbed the bridge of his nose, allowing some of his makeup to come off. He'd started wearing less and less, though on today he wanted to wear his foundation. He removed his hand, rubbing the whitest shade of the stuff from his nose onto his fingers, then walking to the bathroom and grabbing one of Roman's flannels. Surely he wouldn't mind. He stood by the sink and looked at himself in the mirror. He let out a long breath, before turning the tap on, letting water flow into the basin. He covered the flannel in water, before rubbing it onto his face. He repeated this multiple times, until all traces of it were undetectable. He touched his face, looking at every individual freckle that had seemingly just appeared, and smirking to himself. He had slight black eyeshadow, though it was hardly noticeable, and only looked as if he was only slightly sleep-deprived. Virgil placed the flannel in the small laundry basket they kept in there, but not before re-washing it, leaving hardly a trace of white nor black on there. He exited the bathroom, and rolled his sleeves up, as he was slightly warm, though couldn't be bothered to take his hoodie off. As he entered back into the living room space, he was greeted not only by his now full on elemental group of friends, but now his sister who had let herself in. They had both just walked in from separate rooms as Helena whispered not so quietly to Hermine, which made everyone stop in their tracks. 'I know you and V were the ones in the security room.' She grinned in a prank-sort-of way, making the two sixth formers narrow their eyes and look at the other two year elevens, who had now shifted from their positions to accumulate a corner of the four seater, in which Logan, Helena and Roman also sat.

'So is that why you instantly thought about powers and surges then? You knew? Why were you in there? Just to spy on us?' Hermine instantly started backing up into the corner of the sofa. 'I-it was an accident! I swear I didn't mean to look at you! It was just gonna be a prank on Re or something, to see just what he does on his breaks!' Remus smirked. 'Hmm. Neat. I'd probably do the same to you, to be honest.' Frida looked back at the two. 'That still doesn't explain why we found a singed hair clip in there, or why the computer was jolted in by the equivalent of a taser. Care to explain? Huh?' Hermine looked at her. 'I thought you were the telepathic and telekinetic one. I sent you everything in my mind about it so the situation wouldn't come down to this! Did you only get half? Was I out of range or something?' 'Half? What the heck does that mean?' Frida responded. Helena then said something rather odd, at that time. 'Eh. Probably just to edge some plot forward I guess. Don't know why I said it. Just because.' Hermine narrowed her eyes. 'This isn't some sort of movie or book you know, there probably isn't any sort of plot. Can anyone even explain what she means?' This time, it was Bea's turn to speak. 'Nobody? Really? If anyone needs a hint, I'll just say that I'm the odd one out here for a particular reason.' Hermine nodded, along with Roman, Virgil and Remus who also knew the full truth.

'Well it can't be because you are in year thirteen, as Helena would also be odd as she is the youngest, and the only one in year ten.' Well, duh.' He ignored the year ten and her remarks, and carried on concluding, before realising something. 'Is is something to do with surges?' Bea nodded, biting her lip. 'And? Are you actually going to tell?' Logan questioned once more. Bea nodded once more.

'Do you realise that I'm the only one here without powers?'

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