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Logan looked at Bea in disbelief. 'How-How is that possible?' Hermine smirked a little, after the two sixth formers' outrage at Virgil and herself after the room incident had quieted down, though not for long. 'How 'bout you show us your powers, LoLo?' 'Firstly, Please don't call me that, it is sure to get annoying in the future and is at this moment, secondly, it's about, and thirdly, I really don't feel like going first. If at all. Look. I... don't know what's going on, and I think I might need some time to think. Frida, you coming with?' Frida nodded and whispered after he'd left the room. 'Sorry. He's just a bit overwhelmed.' She promptly left with him, and walked back to their houses through the dark yet still summery streets. The two lived on the same street, so there would be no problem. 'You not racing off or something?' He looked at her, slightly stern. 'I don't use my abilities unless I have to. It is not some presumable effect that we constantly have to use them for our entertainment. That would be unwise, on both of our behalves.' He stopped, then smiled at Frida as she walked in the opposite direction towards the place she called home. Home. Is that really what they could call them after all the secrets and all that time?

Friday morning rolled around, as the early summer morning light shone through Frida's window through her grey and white curtains. She woke up to her phone's alarm, at quarter to seven, with bed hair. Great. Frida pulled back the curtains and put them in their holders, to keep them back, and got out her hairbrush, which was silver and Gold in colour, which was a Christmas present from her cousin last year. Frida frantically started brushing her shoulder-length light brown hair until it was neat, then pulled it up into a high ponytail. She promptly replaced her earrings to some silver hearts, and put on some clothes she deemed suitable for sixth form, being a white blouse, black trousers and a black cardigan-esc jacket, fit with neat black shoes and black socks. She slung her silvery bag over her shoulder before heading downstairs and grabbing her makeshift lunch she had managed to do the night before. She looked in the cupboards and saw her carers had left early for their jobs again. She ate some simple cornflakes with milk for breakfast, and right on cue at 7:32, Logan knocked on her door. She opened it, with a slight milk moustache, making Logan presumably snicker behind his hand. 'Don't you dare.' She wiped it off with her cardigan sleeve, and repositioned her satchel bag. 'I repeat. Don't you dare.' Logan struggled to keep a straight face as they walked up to their secondary school, arriving at around ten to eight. 'Twenty minutes before first period bell. I have Computer science, I don't think you have anything?' Frida nodded. 'Yeah. Got English second though.' Logan winced. 'Yes. I have English second.' He corrected. Frida bit back a smile as the two chatted, before first period bell went, with Frida going to study in the common room, and Logan going up to computer science.

Roman, Hermine and Virgil were all in the same science class, and coincidentally had been put together on their 'pod' in Biology. Their 'pod' consisting of a few tables pushed together around a plinth if some kind with electrical sockets and raised chairs. You know, typical British secondary school science classroom. They had a substitute teacher that week, being Mr Mayson, covering over for Miss Kelly, their regular bog standard Biology teacher. This Friday's lesson was simple. Just revise on the heart systems, as they were apparently going to have a 'pop quiz' on it the next week. Virgil traced the diagram, labelling each part. 'How'd you know which one's which?' The older sibling questioned. 'All you gotta Do is just remember that one phrase that Miss taught us to help, like two weeks ago?' Virgil flicked back in his book and found the portion they had to copy down. 'See, the difference between the locations of the arteries and veins, like the pulmonary, is that a Vein goes 'in' the heart,' He gestured to the two letters of vein he'd underlined, then gestured to the word Artery. 'Artery goes away from the heart. Just remember A for Away.' The two siblings nodded, even if Roman still looked rather confused. 'Eh. You'll get it.'

A few more hours rolled around and soon it was the end of the day, and Virgil, Bea, Roman, Hermine, Helena and Remus were walking back to the Kinglon's house once more. 'It's fine. You're gonna ace that quiz next week Virge.' Hermine nudged Virgil's shoulder and stifled a laugh when he snapped out of the way he was looking. 'Huh? What did you say?' 'Nothing that important.' Hermine looked at her phone and pulled out her headphones, listening to her musicals and Disney playlist the whole extra fifteen minutes walk back to her place, starting with 'I won't say I'm in love' from Disney's Hercules. She couldn't put her finger on it why she actually loved that movie and song more than most, but it was Disney, so She shrugged and walked on.

The group soon managed to reach the Kinglon's' house, with Remus once more unlocking the door, and them gathering in the living room, after bags were put down, snacks were sorted, plus about twenty minutes of random conversation. 'We might as well turn the news on to see if anything else has come through about various surges or the like. The moment the news flicked on, they were all in shock.

'Breaking news. The small town of Chetleigh has been struck by two obscurely small surges, thankfully not causing enough damage to kill any people as of yet, but causing enough to damage buildings, as three have collapsed, being a leisure centre closed for refurbishment, a shop and half of a senior school, being Chetleigh Academy.'

All of the group looked at each other in shock once more, just knowing that they had left their school but around an hour and ten minutes ago, to be almost exact.

'Most if not all students, teachers, or everyday people had escaped their premises unhurt, though some had minor, or even slightly major injuries, such as broken arms or the like. We go to Phil, on the scene. Phil?'

'Thank you Chloe. As said by you, three buildings have collapsed, most if not all have escaped, either unhurt or injured, which is thankful about this harsh incident. I am outside what was the leisure centre, which was closed at the time of the incident, crumbled. There has been sightings of two element obscurities, of a grass, or nature like surge, and a water surge.' He stopped for a second, and put his finger onto his earpiece, then the feed cut back to the main station.
'Yes. That is all for now, but we will keep you updated later tonight, thank you for watching.'

The jingle of the news network rang out and Remus turned the tv off, and spoke.

'Well that's just great.'

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