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-The next day-

Cory's pov

Well today's the day. I am going to tell Topanga I think we need a divorce. Then I will get my stuff and leave. Were am I going to go once I tell Topanga I will have to ask Shawn what he thinks I  should do? I should just rent an apartment. I also think I am going to take a shower and think before I wake Shawn.

Shawn's pov 

Were is Cory? Maybe he is in the shower. What time is it I need to get to my photo job at 12:00? Oh it is only 7:30 I will go check to see if Cory is in the shower. Maybe he will let me jone him. Not like I have not before.

*gose to bathroom and gose in*

(Shawn smiles) Morning Cor I see your taking a shower.

(Cory smiles) I am. Do you want to join me Shawnie?

(Shawn smiles) I was hoping you would ask me that. 

(Cory smiles) It is not like like we have not taken a shower together before. 

(Shawn smiles) We have done alot more then just shower together.

*Shawn gets in shower and gives Cory a kiss*

(Cory smiles) That we have. Can we stay like this forever?

(Shawn) I wish but I have a job at 12:00 and you need to talk to her.

(Cory) Well we can stay like this for alital bit. Right?

(Shawn) Yes we can. *Kisses Cory*

Topnaga's pov 

I have a feeling that by tonight I won't have a husband. Do I even want to be with Cory knowing that he is not in love with me? No I don't so if he dose not say he wants a divorce then I will say I want one. He ovisly loves Shawn after all this time. I can't belive it.

Shawn's pov

This morning was nice I hope that this continues being good. I hope he gose through with telling Topanga. It would destroy me if he did't end up going through with it but no matter what I will be there for him.

(Cory) Were am I going to go?

(Shawn) You have options you can stay at a hotel, you can rent an apartment...or you could always stay with me.  If you wanted to.

(Cory) I don't know I mean I do have a job so were ever I go needs to be close.

(Shawn) My place is I think 20 minites away from your work at John Adames Middle school you still work there right?

(Cory) Ya.

(Shawn) So ya about 20 minites.

(Cory) Question why did we not go there yesterday?

(Shawn) Oh well I rented it out since  I was hardly going to be up hear.

(Cory) Oh ok.

(Shawn) Part of why I was up hear was becase they are completly moving out tommorw So you can stay there....if you want to.

(Cory) Will you be there?

(Shawn) Ya I will be there. I don't have alote of jobs this munth. 

(Cory) If you don't mind I would love to stay with you. Will we... just be romates .... or can we be more? I know that...

(Shawn interups Cory) I want us to be more. I thought that was clear when I kissed you or when I joned you in the shower this morning. We can be more if you want to be and your ready. 

(Cory) I do want to be more. So much more.

(Shawn) I have been wanting you to say that for years now.

*Shawn kisses Cory*

(Cory) Everything will be okay I can tell. I just need you to be hear with me.

(Shawn) I will be hear for you.

(Cory)Your my safe place Shawn Hunter.

(Shawn) And you are my safe place Cory Matthews.

BMW Shory Shawn x Cory In Love With My Best Friend  Where stories live. Discover now