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Cory's pov

I am walking out of my marrige. I am walking away from the only life I have really ever known. I know that it might be hard at some points in time but I will get through it. That even through the hard parts it will be worth it. I will be more happy then I ever had been when I had my old life. I am walking away from it all. Shawn will hopefully be hear throgh this whole thing. Like I sead to him he is my safe place. I need him. The last few years without really taking to him have been hard. Really hard to stay from him.

(Topanga) Do you have everything you need?

(Cory) Ya, I have everything I need. I will talk to you soon. Ok? 

(Topanga almost sadish but calm) Ya we will talk. We will talk soon to decide what weekends the both of us want to have our daughter.

(Cory calm) Ya. 

Well that is everything. Now here is my new life.

No one's pove

 -Cory walks out into the hall in an almost calm stat happy with himself -


No one's pov

To. Shawn- Hey I talked to Topanga. It went ok. Let me know when you have finished with the job and we can meet up.

Fifteen minitues later

To. Cory- I just finished the job. We can meet up at that food place near my place that way we can eat then go to my place it has good burgars. I will give you the address. Is that ok?

To. Shawn- Ya that is fine.

To. Cory- The address is 45 dead end rd

To. Shawn- Thanks see you soon.

Shawn's pov

I am glad that talking with Topanga went to ok. Atlest he is not staying with her after everything I don't know if I could have handaled that. I know that is seflish to say but I probaly would have been dead or drunk if he did go back to her after everything he sead. It might be hard at first but I am so happy he agreed that we can try us being together as more then romates, more then friends,...... like together together... as boyfriends. *Shawn smiles*

-A few minites later Shawn sees Cory-

(Shawn smileing) Hi.

(Cory calm) Hi. Let's go in.

- Inside the restorant-

(Shawn) Ok. What do you think you want?

(Cory) A bacon burger. Since you sead they have good burgers.

(Shawn) They do. I am actilly going to get that to.

(Water) Hi am Molly. I will be your server. Can I start you with somthing to drink?

(Shawn) I will have a water and I will have a bacon cheasse burger no musterd pleas.

(Cory) I will have the same thing.

(Molly) Ok. How would you lilke your burger?

(Cory and Shawn) Well done. *Both start laughing*

(Molly) How long have you know each other?

(Cory) Almost are whole lifes.

(Shawn) Since we were 5 years old.

(Molly) Wow. How long have you been together?

*Shawn surprised but happy*

(Molly) I did't mean anything by it,  it's just well you seemed together.

(Cory) No worries. We are together today is our first date. Kind of.... it is complacated but baskly we had been apart for almost 20 years and we decided to give it anouther try being together.

(Molly) That is sweet.*smiles* I am going to go put your order in now. 

(Cory) Ok .

(Shawn smerks) So this a date?

(Cory nervise) Well ya.. I mean if you are ok with that... if your not then we ca...can just forget...that I ever sead that...

(Shawn smiles) No, I want this to be a date. I want this trust me.  Just suprised you would tell somone eles and that you really want this. I am so happy you want this. I know that it is a complet stranger you told but I am still happy you told somone it makes me feel.... it just means alot.

(Cory smiles reaches to hold to Shawn's hand) Good.

(Shawn happy hold Cory's hands)  So after this we can go home and relax. Ok?

(Cory) Ya that sonds really good.

(Shawn) Do you have everthing you need to stay with me?

(Cory) Ya. I have everything I need with me.

(Shawn) Ok good.*smiles*

(Cory) I can not belive that we get to live together. *squizes Shawn's hand*

(Shawn) Ya we will have so much fun.


(Shawn) Ready to go home Cor?

(Cory) Ya. This was alot of fun. We should do this agean soon.

(Shawn) Ya we should go on a date another date and now we can just go home together and relaxe. Maybe wach somthing on tv.

(Cory) That sounds good. That sounds really good. Now dose this mean we are....together together? Like I can call you my..... ummm boyfriend? *Cory blushes*

(Shawn smiles big) You want to be with me?

(Cory) Yes I do. I really do. Do you want to be with me?

(Shawn) I do want to be with you Cory.

(Cory) Can I kiss you?

(Shawn) Yes.

*Cory kisses Shawn*

(Cory) Your my boyfriend and I love you. 

(Shawn) I love you too, now your mine.

*Cory and Shawn walk out of that restaurant holding hands smiling brighter then they had in a long time. Finaly together at last.*

BMW Shory Shawn x Cory In Love With My Best Friend  Where stories live. Discover now