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What are we going to do now?

(Cory wispers to Shawn) Can we just go cuddle?

(Shawn) Of corse Cor.

(Cory) I feel like the last few days have been an emotinl rolacoster but loveing you and having you hear has made it worth it. I love you so much.

(Shawn kisses Cory) I love you too Cor no matter what.

    -5 mothes later-

Cory's pov

(Cory) Are you sure about this? We can always go in as just best friends like normal.

(Shawn) Yes, I am sure. I don't want to have to pretend for anyone ever agean. I want to tell people. Eric and Jack are going together as a couple. So can we. It will be fine Cor.

But what if it is not fine what if....it is a repeat of last time? I could not deal with that agean I could barly handle it then.

(Shawn) Cor I can see your nerviouse. If you don't want to go together to Mr.Feeny's retierment party we don't have to....I just thought it would be nice. I don't want to hide I really don't think anyone would care that were dateing. 

(Cory) I do want to go as your boyfriend. I just don't want what happend last time to happen this time.  That is what I am worried about everyone knowing and juging.

(Shawn) I know Cor. It is ok to be nervious. Last time was hard but like I sead Eric and Jack will be there two it will be fine. No one will care that we are dateing. Now are you ready to do this or...

(Cory) Ya I am ready.

I love him so much I can't belive we have been together for almost 9 mothes.

Eric's pov

I hope today is going to go well. I mean it is sappista be a party so there will be lots of people and this is only the time me and Jack have ever gone to party with friend, as us being together. Like we usally just go as us both being just really close friends especially since we told my parents and they have not talked to us since. Jack has been worried to tell anyone. Maybe this will help that.

Shawn's pov

(Shawn) Are you ready for this Cor?

(Cory) Ya.

*Cory and Shawn walk in to the party*

(Cory) I will go get us drinks.

(Shawn) Ok.

(Angila) Hi Shawn. How are you?

(Shawn) Good. How are you? I have not talked to you in awile.

(Angila) Good I am engaged.

(Shawn smiles) Well congratulations. When are you getting married?

(Angila) Thank you. I am getting maried next munth. So what is new with you Shawn? You seem diffrent....happyer.

(Shawn laughs) You can tell that by just talking to me for what 2 minites of talking to me?

(Angila) You seem happyer with yourself. At peace almost.

(Shawn) It could be I am seeing somone. We have been together 9 mothes almost. I love them so much.

BMW Shory Shawn x Cory In Love With My Best Friend  Where stories live. Discover now