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Shawn's pov

I feel so bad. I know that logicly it is not my falut that Cory's parents aren't accepting but I feel like it is my falt we told them. So it is my falt I cased Cory some of this pain. I hate that I would rather die then case Cory pain.

- 20 minites later-

(Shawn sad) Hey we are hear wake up everyone.

(Eric sad) I am up. I will get some of the stuff.

(Shawn) Ok I will help you but first why don't we get Cory and Jack inside so they don't freak out and wounder why we left them in the car all alone?

(Eric) Ok...ya sounds like a plan.

(Shawn) Hey are you ok? I know tonight has been alot.

(Eric sad) Ya.. well no I am not ok but I will be just I need some time to deal with it all. Really I am worried about Jack. He was scard to come out for this reson.

(Shawn) Ya. I get that. Cory was worried to tell them to. That is part of why it took so long when we went on the walk he was freaking out that they would be mad. I thought it would be ok to tell them. Did't you?

(Eric) I thought it would be fine. I thought they might be surprised but would be fine with it. I mean they did always say they would love us no matter what. I gess that was a lie.

(Shawn) Ya. I was so hoping they would be ok with it. That tonight would go well.

(Eric) We all were hopeing that it would go over well. I think it is going to take sometime for it to really be okay.

(Shawn disaponted) Ya I think it might take awile and that all of us are all going to need to talk about this and stick it out together. We all wanted it to go well becuse they are, are family but it did not so we now have to work through it.

(Eric sad) Ya we do.


Eric's pov

(Eric) Hey I know today was alot for everyone, are you ok Jack?

(Jack sad sounds broken) I am sorry...I...I thought this might happen and now your parents are mad at you *starts crying* This is my falt I snould have tried to convince you to not tell them. I would get if you did not want to be with me. Then maybe you....you can convise them that your ....nor...normal*starts crying harder*

This is going to brake me if I am not carefull, it will brake all of us if we are all not carefull.

(Eric sad) Hey this is is no way your falt you could not have know they would react like that. I would never be mad at you for what they sead. I am mad at them but not at you never at you. I love you Jack it might hurt they don't accept me but that is whatever as long as I get to love you and you love me it is worth it. I love you so much Jack. It will all work out.

*Eric hugs Jack and bring him in to cuddle*

(Jack) You won't leave me?

(Eric) Never. Not even if everone turns agenst me. I love you to much to ever leave you.


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