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Shawn's pov

It has been 4 month since Cory moved in and it has been grate. I love coming home to him the few time I go out.It is like a never ending sleepover but we are together insted of just being best friends. We get to hang out all the time beside the few houres one of us is working. We baskily fell into a routene of him living hear being hear with me. I love it. I love him so much I don't want to think if somehow this messes up. I think I would eather drink so much I forget my own name or I would kill myself. I need Cory to live now and that is scary to think about becase I know he could at any point leave me...

*Phone Rings*

I gess I should get that. I wounder why they are calling on the house phone.

(Shawn) Hi this is Shawn.

(Amy Matthews) Hi Shawn.

(Shawn) Oh hi Mrs.Matthews. Whats up?

Why would she call me? I hope nothing is wrong.

(Amy Matthews) I was woundering have you seen Cory in the last week. I tried calling him and he has not called me back and it has been a week. I am worried about him. Espeshaly with him and Topanga seperating.

Why would Cory not call his mom back? And why did she ask if I have seen Cory of  corse I have he lives with me. Enless Cory did't tell her that his staying hear becase he was afrad to. I will have to ask him but if he did not tell her then how come she know to call me?

(Shawn) Ya I saw him this week.

I saw him the s'morning in my bed with me. She defanitly dose not need to know were I last saw him.

(Amy Matthews) Well can you tell him to call me when you see him next? I need to talk to him about somthing.

(Shawn) Ya I can do that. Anything wrong?

(Amy Matthews) Nothing you need to worry about. 

(Shawn) Ok well talk to you later bye.

(Amy Matthews) Bye Shawn.

Well that was weird I will have to bring it up with Cory. I hope this is not the other shoe dropping.

*Later when Cory get's home*

(Shawn) Hey babe.

(Cory) Hi Shawnie.

(Shawn) Your mom called.

(Cory nervious) She did what did she say?

(Shawn) Nothing much. Just that she called a week ago and you still have not called back. What is going on Cor? What are you thinking?

(Cory nervious) I was afrad to talk to her. I did't know what to say to her. I....she is my mom yes but to be perfictly honust I... was scared that I would say somthing that would mess everything up. Not just like telling her about us ,but somhow messing it up with you. Everthing has been so grate and  I know it was irrashional to think that just taking to my mom would mess things up but to be honest I have liked us being together in our own bubble, in our own routine. No one knowing about us, means no one saying there thought about us it is nice. That is what I was thinking. I am sorry. I should.of told you.

BMW Shory Shawn x Cory In Love With My Best Friend  Where stories live. Discover now