Chapter 4

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The song that you will be singing to is goodbye by gem it's a nice Chinese song that I got into! it's okay if your don't understand it's just a nice song XD on with the chapter

"WHAT?!?" You yelled

"(Y/n)! This is no time for yelling!" Your manager said sternly

"You can't expecte to do this! Where's Auntie Diantha?" You asked

Diantha walked up to you both

"(Y/n)... I know this is a shock... But you have to do this." Diantha said walking up to you

you felt mixed emotions right now you couldn't handle this

"B-but.." You stuttered

"Listen. We're going to take you to the mayor and Mr Stone and they will explain it from there" Diantha pleaded.

You looked down and looked back at your aunt

"Okay.." you said in an uncertain tone

Diantha and your manager nodded and took you to the major and Mr Stone.

*Time skip*

You all arrive at Mr Stone's office, Diantha opens the door and you see a man with steal blue hair and eyes that looked similar to Steven's you knew it was Mr Stone and another man with White hair and who looked like he was in his eighties was obviously the mayor.

Mr Stone turns to you

"Ah! Welcome (y/n)!" Mr Stone said with a warm smile.

"I'm.. hi." You said trying to sound stern

Your pokemon were outside listening to your conversation.

"So (y/n). Your the Kalos Queen, correct me if I'm wrong but what I've heard form your manager and you Aunt i assume your a pokemon performer" Mr Stone asked

You nod

"And you ask because?" You asked

The mayor stepped in

"We would like you to perform for tonight." The mayor said

You thought for a second you glanced at your manager who gave you a glare. A glare that could kill someone if it could. You quickly turn back to Me Stone who was waiting for your response

"O-okay." You said quietly trying not to show bits of fear.

Mr Stone smiled

"Thank you (y/n)." He said "I am excited for your performance."

Mr Stone and the mayor left, your manger took you and your pokemon to the dressing room

Steven's POV

I was in the main room with Wallace, Brendon, and May. I looked around hoping to find (y/n) but she was out of sight.

"Looking for someone?" Wallace asked

I turned around to see him smirking

"N-No." I said trying to sound firm

"Let me guess. You like (y/n)?" He asked I self my face heat up a bit but I simply shrugged it off

"No. I just want to get to know her." I said

I felt a tap on my shoulders, I turned to find my dad smiling at me

"Steven." He said

"Yes?" I responded

"Come on now. All of you tonight's performance is a special one." He said with a proud smile. I knew he was up to something. I signaled my friends to follow me and my dad and we headed to the VIP center.

The Queen and her Champion~ (Steven Stone x Reader) (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now