chapter 11

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Back from my endless slumber!!!!!! Let's hope I'm not dead yet!

Also thank you FrogVillage for drawing that awesome drawing of reader Chan!!! It's amazing!!!

Also should I draw more of (Y/n) Chan and Steven? You can make request!

Anyways on with the chapter!!


After the whole Christmas festival everyone went to the poke center and rest in their rooms. Steven of course shared a room with Brendon while you and May shared another room.

"Soooooo May! Where exactly are we going? You know which town?" You asked while fiddling with your fingers.

"Welp! We're heading for Littleroot Town! Since a friend of my father works there and he has everything we need!" May exclaimed walking to a table to find her hair brush.

You nodded but sighed

"What's wrong (Y/n)?" May asked

"Well.... Hmmmmmm can you keep secrets?" You asked

May nodded

"Well uhm-"

"You like Steven do you?" May asked with an emotionless face.

Your face immediately turned red

"H-how?!" You asked in a shocked tone

"It's sooooooo obvious!!!!" May giggled while brushing her hair

"Is it really....?" You asked looking down at your hands.

"Well yeah.... I mean.. you guys did kiss... And stuff" May smiled before fixing her hair

Your face grew even redder at the memory, true you did kiss Steven but does he really feel the same way? Was it because of the moment and everything? Thoughts ran through your head from left to right. Eventually you let out a squeal which alerted May

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?!" May asked obviously worried sick.

You couldn't answer, your were too deep in thought


Steven on the other hand was doing just fine- oh no he's not.... He's been completely flustered and been walking in circles just thinking about the kiss

"Did she really like? I mean she kissed back... She had to! But what if she did that because she felt sorry for me!" Steven mumbled as her kept walking around the room.

Brendon got up and threw a pillow at Steven.

"Mind keeping it down lover boy?" Brendon whined

"S-sorry... I was just... Uhm.."Steven mumbled

"About (y/n)?" Brendon asked

Steven turned red and looked away.

Brendon laughed

"Come on Steven! Admit it! You like her!" Brendon shouted

Steven covered Brendon's mouth with his hand.

"Fine I do like her! Now please keep it down!" Steven scolded

Brendon nodded and Steven slowly moved his hand away from Brendon's mouth.

"Wait till Wallace hears this!!!" Brendon squealed like a girl and Rand to find his phone.

Steven sighed and went to his bed. He had never really had a crush, possibly due to the isolation that his father made him face, but now he has a crush on (y/n) ?

Steven's mind kept thinking about (y/n) how her hair flows in the wind, her laugh, even the simple things like her smiled already made him so flustered.

Steven tossed and turned while Brendon was blabbering about his crush to Wallce.

"Tomorrow is going to be a rough day" Steven sighed and fell asleep.

Time skip

You were all walking in the forest on your way to Another stop

When you heard a loud boom

"W-what's happening?!?" May asked shaking in fear

"No time! We got to get-" Steven shouted before being interrupted by another boom.

You and Steven looked at each other confused and worried. Before you knew it both May and Brendon were gone.

"May? Brendon?" You called out trying to see if they could respond.

Steven helped you search for the two think that maybe they could have ran off.

"Where could they have gone to?" Steven mumbled

At this point your were worried, you glaced at Steven and noticed a person standing behind him you opened your mouth to say something when you felt something smashed against your head.


Your eyes slowly opened to find yourself tied up to a chair. You looked around trying to find a way out of this or to know where were you at.

"Hello?" You heard someone call, it sounded alot like May

"May? Where are you?" You called out.

"I have no clue... It's too dark!I can here you..... I think that's you (Y/n)!" May shouted.

You both heard the door open. You frantically shuffled around trying to get out. But the ropes were tied too good. The lights turned on and you see two people approaching us. Their clothes were the color red with a bit of yellow. The female was wearing a pencil skirt where as the male.. was a little bit overweight..

(Okay so there are different versions of Tabitha okay XD I choose the fat one for comedy)

"Well well well looks like the two little princesses are awake..." The female said with a devilish grin.

The Male chuckled and walks closer to you

"And looks like we hit the gold pot" and make was playing with you hair while looking at you facial features. You in return tried to bite him.

"Oh! A rough one~" the man smirked,

The female walked up to both of you as the man retreated.

"Listen. We're not here to hurt you unless nessary. What we will do is that you have to answer our questions." The female glared at you and May "I'll leave you two for now but if we come back we want answers." The female spat,

The two left you and May alone. You looked down on the ground just to find a sharp piece of concrete.

"Someone must have broken something here.." you mumbled

You grabbed the piece and began cutting the rope

At last the both of you were free

"May! Go and found a way to contact Wallace! I'll find Steven and our pokemon."

May nodded and you ran out of the building

"Don't worry Steven! I'm coming for you, and Brendon as well."

You sneakily past by guards and headed to their pokemon storage  room.

"Time to find my Pokemon."


Finally done! Hope you enjoyed! Sorry it took so long... With school and the multiple test I didn't have time to finish the chapter anyways! Should I do a valentines day special? Off so leave me some ideas! Bye!!!

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