chapter 12

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Hi!!!!!! So welcome back to the book! Sorry it took so long.... School and stuff got me.

And also the virus.... and then quarantine... And the amounts of online school..... And a test.... And.... The whole shebang.

You looked around for your pokeballs.... Trying to be as quiet as possible,

After a few minutes you finally found all of your pokeballs!

"Great, now all I have to do is find Steven!" You mumbled hoping Steven was okay

You ran to the door and rushed out, you were ready to fight, ready to save him.

While walking throughout the corridors and checking each room you noticed the place wasn't heavily guarded

"Talk about security.." you mumbled under your breath.

You Continued to walk around and around until you heard someone's voice

"NEVER- Gah!"


"I won't-"

They voice, it sounds like Steven?!?

You peeked and saw someone beating Steven while Brendon was tied up with tape on his mouth.

You searched around for anything that could potentially knock someone out, A wood planks caught your eye. You slowly take it and creeped up to the two men whole were holding Steven and Brendon hostage.

Steven's POV

One hit after another came to my face, it hurt so badly. Brendon's was muffling and screaming through the duck tape.

"TELL US!" The man demanded give me a punch in the gut

"N-never!" I managed to say out, I had never seen anyone this angry in my life.

The guy was getting ready to throw another punch at me, I braced myself for the impact he was going to do-


The two men fall to the ground, knocked out. I look up to see (Y/N) with a wooden plank

Gosh she looks hot being all powerful and what not


I hey (Y/N) call me and I quickly snap out of my gaze, by now Brendon is just laughing at me


No one's POV

You untied Steven and Brendon

Due to the duck tape over Brendon's mouth he was very scared to take it off. You tried your best to at least tug it but Brendon stopped you.

" Well I guess you're not talking for a while...." You put your hands on your hips

You could have sworn you saw Steven blushed, he likes it when you've been so assertive and controlling-

(But he'll be the dominant one if you get what I mean 😏😏)

"Well... Where's May?" Steven asked snapping out of his gaze

You realize you left may to handle the situation by herself, she could have gotten caught.. what if she didn't ask for help.

" We'll have to find her! " You demanded

" You're not going anywhere..."

You all turn back to see a bunch of people in red suits holding a weird gun

"What do you want from us?!?" You shouted, going infront of Steven, this was a bad situation to be stuck in but you knew that you had to protect Steven with all your heart, even if it means dying for him.

Brendon with tape still stuck in his mouth noticed something in the corner....

A power generator..

Brendon backed away slowly as you and Steven were questioning the weird and Mysterious people that were keeping you all hostage. Even though they didn't found May you were still worried for her.

Brendon slowly back away and quickly shut down everything, the power, the lights, everything was shut down instantly.

You and Steven were in shocked, Brendon with a flash light in his hand quickly grab you and Steven and ran out of the room. With a few twist and turns you were at the entrance.

But the doors were shut

The only way you could leave was through the vents

Brendon was trying to break the vent hard while you and Steven were on your alert. Even though it was dark there could be things outside.

Suddenly the lights turned back on

You knew this was the end. You heard people coming around the corner and it was only a matter of time before they reached you.


The front door busts open and Wallace, and May and a couple of police men and women were outside


Finally you, Brendon, and Steven could relax...

A few hours later and you and Steven were watching May trying to rip the duck tape off of Brendon's mouth

Steven hugged you-

"Thank you (y/n)..." Steven smiled

You blushed and looked at Steven

"F-for what?"

"For saving me and Brendon" Steven said as he looked at you

Your face was all red, and by now your were feeling so dizzy you couldn't even think-

(Poor you...)

"N-No problem!" You laughed nervously

Steven laughed and moved closer to your face

"You know (y/n).... I-"


You and Steven were shocked


"BUT IT HURTS" Brendon whined

You could have sworn you saw tears in Brendon's eyes as he ran away but ended up bumping into Wallace

"What's going on here?" Wallace asked looking down at brendon

The duck tape on Brendon's mouth wasn't full removed


Wallace looked down at Brendon

"So. Your ruined Steven's chance to kiss (y/n)?" Wallace looked pissed

And by now all you could do was watch as Wallace and May were chasing Brendon

Steven felt embarrassed as you were fed up with the drama

"NOW THIS IS PAY BACK!" Wallace shouted and ripped the duck tape off


'I sort of feel bad for him' you thought as you looked at Brendon before looking elsewhere .


Finally done! Sorry for the delay I had a few test and because of procrastination.

Btw should I do lemons? Let me know!

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