chapter 9 Christmas special 1

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Let's start!

You and Steven quickly got up, both of you were burning red

"W-What is it Brendon?" You asked trying to hide your blush, 

"No time! there's a city that we need to check out!" Brendon exclaimed

"Yeah! we're going with Wally and Carina!" May smiled

you and steven both looked at each other, you both didn't know what to say after all you've all been attacked but team rocket and their very adorable wobbuffet!

"Sure! That sounds like a good idea! Plus I've always wanted to see what Christmas is like outside a building or a stage!" You squealed

Steven chuckled, you noticed this and your face began to burn, May notice this and smirked

"You know we should get going! You know before The train goes away!" May smirked and grabbed Brendon, Wally and Carina and dashed off

You and Steven were left alone, you called back your pokemon, Steven did the same and you both headed out, May, Brendon, Wally and Carina were  really ahead of you and Steven

"By the time we get to the station the last train will take of to shimmer town.." you said in disappointment

(I made that village up in order for this to happen! I don't want to see comments blasting about this random thing... It hurts my feelings that I'm not accurate TvT)

Steven patted your back

"I think we might be about to reach the train station, even better I think we might be able to reach shimmer town before them" Steven said as he got up and reached down to his pocket to grab one of his pokeballs.

"How? The only way we might be able to get there at fast is if we can fly-"

Steven released his skarmory, Steven looked at you and laughed at your shocked face

"Surprised?" Steven smirked

You nodded and walked up to skarmory, it made eye contact with you, at first you were scared but skarmory let out a pure and nuzzled you.

"Awwww he's cute!" You smiled and gave skarmory a Kiss.

Steven just watched it was very obvious that he was jealous.

"Climb on" Steven said as he got on his skarmory, he help you up by offering his hand to you.

"You might want to hold on tight (Y/n)" Steven smirked


Skarmory took off into the sky, you felt your heart beating extremely fast like there was no tomorrow.

"(Y/n)~ " Steven cooed

"Hm?" You looked up at him with innocence all over your face

"Your really touchy you know~" Steven smirked

"Wha?" You looked back, and realized you were gripping on to Steven, you felt your face warming up but didn't say anything, a smirk appeared on your face oh boy were you going to get back at his constant flirting

"You smell nice Steven stone~" you whispered softly in his ear.

Steven turned for a soft pink to a tomato.

"Biting back are we?" Steven smiled and turn to you

You simply laughed, soon enough your were at shimmer town.

" Thank you skarmory" Steve said and returned skarmory in to its pokeball

"We're here! Isn't this exciting?" You squealed

Steven smiled and looked around

"Huh... No sign of May, Brendon, Wally or Carina anywhere" Steven mumbled and continued to look around.

"Well maybe they're just wandering around.." you smiled

Steven nodded, you grabbed him arm and gave him a beaming smile

"Come on! Let check this place out!" You said, Steven laughed and followed you.

Though out the whole time you and Steven were checking out places, from rare rock stores and booths to random booths that sold clothes or merchandise. Many people recognized who you and Steven were, and sometimes asked for your autograph, or a picture with you and Steven, but you didn't mind all you wanted to do was to spend time exploring the little town.

"Well Steven I think those goggles suit you!" You giggled

Steven looked at the mirror, and turned to you and burst out in laughter. You were both goofing off in a random clothes store that sold almost any outfit for any occasion.

Steven took off the goggles and turned to you

"I'm having fun with you (Y/n)" Steven smiled

"I'm having fun with you as well!" You said and stood up and helped put the goggles Steven was trying on back in it's place

You and Steven walked out of the shop.

"Well where do you want to head to next?" Steven asked, you held on to his arm and walked around

"I don't know.... Oh! What's that?" You asked, you and Steven both turned towards a giant stage, there stood a man who was calling up people to join the duo contest.

"Come one! Come all to the shimmer town duo contest! Two people one male and female must come to the stage and perform a grand performance in order to impress the judges! The winner will receive automatic access to all of Hoenn's master class showcase to perform as a duo!" The man exclaimed

Many people decided to sign up

"That's interesting! We don't have duo competitions in Kalos..." You smiled you looked back at the stage to see May, Brendon, Carina and Wally at the sign up booth.

You and Steven walked up to them

"Hey guys!" Steven smiled as you both approached them

"Oh! Hey!" Carina said and waved at you

Suddenly May ran up to you


Your jaw dropped.

"Oh! And Steven! I've signed up for you as well!" Brendon smirked

Steven turned pale, while you looked at May and Brendon


You and Steven fell to the ground and just passed out

Well there's part one! Part two will be out soon! See ya!

The Queen and her Champion~ (Steven Stone x Reader) (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now