Chapter 6

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Sorry for the wait!!!!!! I had a lot on meh plate!

You walked along side May, you had gotten to like her after, she seemed pretty nice

"So (Y/n)!" May started

You looked at her your Sylveon was out and walking along side you.

"What's it like to be the Kalos Queen?" May asked her eyes sparkling like stars

"Well it's fun... But at the same time boring and utterly painful... There's training everyday with no breaks and the shoes you have to wear are just straight up painful if you asked me..." You sighed trying to calm yourself in the progress

"Wow sounds busy.." May mumbled under her breath

You nod "but on the plus side! I have a better chance to spend time with my Pokemon!" You smiled looking down at Sylveon

You were all walking in the forest, filled with trees and flowers and many cute and wild pokemon

(Y/n) was looking around everywhere, from petting butterfrees to cuddling a shroomish which made Steven a little jelous, Both Brendon and May acknowledged this and we're teasing Steven all the way through.

Finally you all reached a lovely grassy area filled with open space.

"Wow! This place is amazing!" You said looking at Steven

"I know... We're going to head to rustburrow City" Steven said

May and Brendon were setting up a picnic

You grabbed all your pokeballs ND threw them in the air


Steven, May and Brendon released their Pokemons as well, and they all started playing with each other.

You and Steven were talking about things that you and Steven had in common you were somewhere far from your pokemon and Steven's pokemon so it was nice and quiet, meanwhile your Sylveon ACCIDENTALLY used attract on Metagross. And Metagross was chasing sylveon.
(Now I know Metagross doesn't have any gender... But some sacrifices have to be made inorder for the plot to progress.... I'm sorry for being inaccurate)

(With you and Steven)

"Your telling me you've never tried a parfait?" You laughed

"Not everyone has time to taste sugary sweets princess~" Steven said lying down on the grass with his eyes closed

(Imagining this now I almost got a nose bleed... He must have looked hot-)

"Don't call me princess! And We should really take you to eat a parfiat..." You said looking at Steven

Steven smirked

"I like calling you princess~" Steven smiled

"Why?" You asked

Steven smirked and pinned you on the ground now he was on top, You were blushing histerically

"Because you're Mr princess~" Steven smirked moving closer to you


"(Y/N)!!!!!!!" May called running up to your and Steven

You pushed Steven off and looked at May, at this point you were all red.

"w-what is it?" you asked trying to hide your blush

"There's a problem with your pokemon...." May laughed nervously

You and Steven quickly got up on you're feet and followed May. only to see Brendon and his Pokemon trying to stop Metagross from going near Sylveon.

"What happened?" Steven asked

"Sylveon used some sort of move that had hearts! And this happened..." Brendon said

You and Steven looked at each other and sighed

"Sylveon used attract" You said looking at Sylveon

Sylveon ran to you and hid behind you, while Steven helps Brendon try to reverse sylveon's move

"It's not working...." Brendon said in panic

"We'll have to take him to the poke center.." Steven sighed

You all packed up your things and headed off to find a poke center, you all hear someone sighing in frustration

You all peeked over to see a kid trying to catch a raltz...

"Hello?" You called out

The kid turned to you his eyes widened as he saw Steven next to you


Steven scratched her back of his neck while you chuckled

"Greetings." Steven said I a polite manner

"Wally! Come on are you done?" A voice said

You all turn to a little girl with blonde hair and a swirlix next to her.

"I need to catch this raltz!" Wally shouted throwing another pokeballs at raltz but it missed.

"Here let me help you..." You said and grabbed a pokepuff from your bag and gave it to raltz, Wally grabbed his pokeballs and caught ralts in his pokeballs.

"YAY! THANK YOU!" Wally exclaimed giving you a hug, Steven gave just stared at him

"No problem, Wally was it?" You asked

He nodded "and this is Carina" Wally said pointing to the girl who was doing goo goo eyes at Steven which made him uncomfortable

"Why doesn't any girl fall for me" Brendon said blowing on a pice of tissue

May flicked his forehead, "anyways... Is there a poke center near by? We need help to get rid of attract on Steven's pokemon"

"Doesn't attract come off after a while?" Wally asked

"Nope... (Y/n)'s Sylveon did a pretty good job with attract on Metagross" Brendon chuckled

You and Steven sighed

"Well there is a poke center near by! Here let me show you! I just can't believe I'm seeing the Hoenn Champion infront of my eyes!" Wally squealed

"Hey! (Y/n) is pretty famous too?" May shouted

"Let's just heal Metagross shall we?" Brendon said in an annoyed tone.

You nodded and followed Wally to the poke center

Carina walked up to you with her swirlix

"So you're the famous (Y/n)? Also know as the Kalos Queen" She asked

You felt your heart racing as she stares at you intensely.

"Y-Yes... I am..." You said trying not to show signs that you're scared

"Great! That makes us Rivals!" Carina exclaimed

"W-WHAT?!?" You shouted

That's all I'm leaving you all in a cliffhanger! You got some competition.... XD Anyways see ya!

The Queen and her Champion~ (Steven Stone x Reader) (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now