6. MAX

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Thursday Morning, and I am so much happy. Well for the fact that I am going to see Max is getting me smile all over the place. You can say I am just dreaming and too African to be thinking about all that I can be doing with Max as if I am in a distance land where it is legal to be gay😫

As much as I hate the fact, this is something I have to live with, something I cannot change for myself, something that everybody throws in the gutter and no one, I mean no one is ready to talk about it. Well enough of that....

Here I am dressed in black kaki with a red and black long sleeve shirt. Too formal I know lol...I have to go for my internship from school, but again I want to look good when Max sees me. More reason maybe, my internship is trash and so hectic....

I called Salim on my way out of the house and he was already waiting for me at the car park. As I got there, I saw him standing with some guy I recognized from Uni.

Naz: Hi bro...you alright? Hey

Salim: Am great. Had some fun last night. He said looking at the guy. Oh sorry this is Saul, he's friend.

Naz: Yea your friend indeed I said with a smile. I shake hands with Saul and we boarded a vehicle to get to school.

I feel sorry for Saul, because I am pretty sure that Salim will dump him when he's done having sex with him.
In 2 months, he has already given up on 6 different people he supposedly started a relationship with. I am always sure that he's just there for the sex and that's it. I wish he can just change for once and love.

As we reached campus, my heart started beating faster like it has never been. I so much want to see Max but so nervous of what it will be.

Have you ever anticipate so long to meet someone but yet so nervous of The outcome of your meeting? That's what is happening to me right now.
I still have like 30 minutes before my class starts and I used that to get some tea at the cafeteria. Well guess what? Max was right there looking all good, gorgeous and sexy as hell. I almost turn back to get lost when he called

Max: Bro Naz, you came early, you all good?

Naz: Yep, just wanted to be here early. How are you?

Max: I couldn't be any better. Well if you good, I am great then.

Naz: umm great, you good then....and in my head I was just thinking of what to say next. Damn! Talking to your crush is the hardest thing to do ever.

Max: What do you want to get? Coffee?

Naz: No, tea instead please give him the money.

Max: Nop, don't worry I'll pay for it.

Naz: No bro let him just get it out of here. Still stretching my hand with the money.

Max: I insist man don't worry. We good

Naz: Well Thanks....so you wanted us to see today you said? (Well I didn't know where that came from but I guess it was about time, I don't like wasting my own time lol)

Max: Oh yea it was just that I wanted us to talk about something but don't worry it's all cool.

Naz: Are you sure? I mean just like that it's all cool? What is it thou?

Max: Nothing to worry about actually just some silly stuff. But it's cool....by the way you look good. He said with a wink just like he did yesterday.

Naz: lol thanks..and so do you... well I have to go for my lectures now so we'll talk later yea.

Max. Yes sure, I'll send you a text later in the day. Enjoy your class

Naz: Thanks, you too.

As I left the cafeteria, it's like all that was a burden on me eventually disappeared. I was at ease, I just didnt trust him when he said it's nothing. I feel he is hiding something. Either scared to say it or still thinking about it.
May the God lord makes it to be want I want to hear.

When I reached class, I saw Salim already seated, being the nicest silly ass I know, he got me a seat next to him. Here! Another 2hr30min lectures to come deal with on Public Policy and Administration.

Keep reading guys. More updates coming. Please vote too🥰

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