14. Call Back Home.

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We reached Canada safely and it was already mid day. I can't stop looking at all the beautiful shops and and places I am seeing. That gets me asking, if this is only an airport and it looks this beautiful, how will city look like?
This is my first time getting off a plane, and my first time ever coming to a foreign land. I kept looking around before we checked out and so was Salim.

We finally stopped at the exit where our bags were searched and our passports stamped. Then we left to get our bags from God knows where they came from.

For a minute I even forgot that we are having
suitcases. I haven't seen them since we left Africa. I almost miss mine lol....

On the email sent to me about our tickets, there was a follow up email that says someone named Erick will be waiting for us here. He too works at the UNCHR post in Canada. He was to be responsible for our airport pick up and will be taking care of our accommodations and everything else involving our stay.
One thing I am just wishing for right now, is to get back to school and do my first degree.

We went outside the doors of the airport were we saw someone with a placard written on it was both my name and Salim's. As we approached the man, I noticed how handsome he is. Smiling so Nicely with perfectly arranged white teeth.

Ever heard of love at first sight? Well that's what happened. My life sucks and I fall for people too easily but yes. I instantly love this man I don't even know. I wonder if this has ever happened to you too?

We approached him and he extended his hands to greet us.

Salim: Hello, you must be Erick?

Erick: Yes I am. And you two are Naz and Salim?

Salim: Oh yes, he is Naz and I am Salim. Thank you for coming.

Erick: Oh no, it's my pleasure. Besides it's my work.
Also who wouldn't be delighted to come pick up two gentlemen like you?

Salim: Are you flirting with us? Just to say, I have a boyfriend already.

Erick: Haha you get comfortable quite easy. Well maybe I am. And I don't have a boyfriend. Well not just yet he said looking back at me. I started having butterflies in my stomach. Strange things happening lately and this is so uncommon.

Salim: Well my friend here is so single and ready to mingle. Maybe talk to him when we are settled?

Erick: I would love to. He said whiles starting the car. On the way, I admired all the numerous story buildings I see, and imagining how they were built. I mean they are just too high bro.

Salim was busy selling me out to Erick whiles I was just seated here looking at each and every building we passed and wondering which one is the university.

Like an electric force, my mind quickly went to my mom and how she must be doing. I instantly decided I will call her at anytime I have a chance to do so. We finally reached to what seems to be an appartement. A very beautiful place I must confess and seems to be so loving inside. Erick opened the door and let us in, whiles he went back to get our suitcases.

Erick: Well here we are. This will be your apartment for. It's a two bedroom house with a bathroom, parlor, kitchen, and backyard. It's fully furnished and the kitchen is also stocked with food.

Here is your key and $150 for each of you. This is for your keep for the coming two days, whiles we plan on how to administer you back to school as stated on your report and your monthly allowances. Incase you run out of cash before we get back to you, please call this number. He wrote down a number for us on a paper.

Naz and Salim (English)Where stories live. Discover now