Meeting "him"

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It was a dark Saturday afternoon, daylight savings had messed everyone up and the time was only 6:37 pm.
The moon was bright and full. Kyle stepped out of his car and into the restaurant waiting to be serviced.

"Good afternoon sir do you have a reservation?"

"No I'm here on more important matters, the dog doesn't bite."

After hearing the short phrase the doorman quickly pressed a button under his podium and a secret door opened itself behind him. "I hope your stay is comforting, mister Ledger."

Kyle walked down the corridor and into a large antechamber. There was a group of people standing atop the judgement table, Kyle's presence created a veil of silence each and every person watched him as he moved. Once he was in the center of the arena-like room the man with most authority, the eldest, and the most decorated member of this society spoke out, "Mister ledger what a kind surprise it is for you to join us tonight."

"Considering I was requested be here, I wouldn't say kind at all." Kyle remarked, "if anything it's a very rude awakening, I thought I had I filled my contract quota."

"Well you have, this has nothing to do with our old business." The great man sighed and snapped his fingers. Two of the society's guards came out of a small room into the center of the arena. They were lugging another younger man that was cuffed, gagged, and chained to a wooden pole that they were carrying, "I simply have a request, Kyle, my fine specimen, would you please take this young man off of my hands?"

Kyle laughed and looked up at the elder defiantly, "Ha that's funny, why on earth would I wanna do that?"

"You never once killed under our contract, you said it was wrong, I agree; however this boy has been a lot of trouble lately and in the case you decline taking him, well let's just say you'll be the executioner."

Kyle lost his facade of confidence and looked up at the cloaked group again with anger. "You know I can kick each and every one of your asses. You're talking a lot of shit for such a weak being."

"Ah, instead of asking why you resort to petty insults." The elders laughed. "Sure you could kill us, but in the event any one is harmed a trigger will pull alerting the entire city of a murderer here in the alpha center." The eldest shook with laughter. "Do you think that even with your gifts, you could take the entire militia?"

Kyle grimaced and looked at the man chained up, he appeared to be no older than 19 and bruised badly. "Fine I'll take him. Just leave me the fuck alone!" Kyle looked at the two guards and snapped his fingers. Immediately they moved faster than they had for the eldest removing the mans bindings and pushing him into Kyle's arms. "Now let me live my life in peace! I already renounced your bullshit." Kyle stormed out dragging the boy behind him.

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