No invitation?

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The time was 3:30 am on the dot. Kyle's internal clock was trained to wake him each day at this ungodly hour so he could spend time perfecting his power, training his body, and calming his mind. To Kyle's surprise however, Jay Varne was in the bed next to him. Not only was Kyle curious as to how he got into his room, he wondered how Jay could have slipped under his arm without his noticing.

Silent as a mouse, Kyle left the room and headed into his basement. The basement was full of your average gym machines, but there was a segment that had odd things unseen to any mortal, a punching bag made of black steel, a ladder made of knives, dumbbells of impossible weights, and a small pedestal that a book lay atop.
Kyle trained hard and fast that day subconsciously wanting to get back into the bed with Jay, he was warm and inviting. He didn't seem to dislike Kyle for existing. He was... "cute? No fuckin way it's just early, minds playing tricks on me." Kyle said as he left a dent in the solid punching bag.

Jay Varne opened his eyes expecting to see the living room floor, and found himself in a soft bed, he had no recollection of getting there. He assumed this was Kyle's bed judging by the imprint on the mattress. Jay suddenly felt fear, what if Kyle saw him, what would he say. "I-I gotta move b-but... it's so warm..."

Kyle finished his daily training regimen without breaking a sweat and headed back upstairs, slowly. He opened his door and slipped into the bed, wrapping an arm around Jays midsection as he drifted off.

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