training: Jay, pt1

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Miranda gleefully led them to a back room. Jay looked around, taking in the extensive amount of body-building equipment. He was nervous and in shock, he had just been told he had a sister, yet he'd never met this woman in his life.

Kyle simply followed behind watching Miranda skip through the workout dungeon they were in.

"Here we are, Jay!" Miranda said, entering a third room, this one completely bare. Not even a socket on the wall. "This is where I'll teach ya how to pull something like this..." she says waving her hand revealing a revolver, "smoothly and without much thought, eh?"

Jay nervously smiled and nodded his head, "right!" He was eager to learn her methods and advice.

Kyle found them to be, in lamence, quite a bore. He'd been in contact with Miranda for ages. She was, afterall the creator of his pen. Kyle sat on the floor and leaned his head against the wall, he closed his eyes as the other two continued.

Miranda smiled at Jay and pulled a knife out of the air, "let's start simple alright? You want a knife sharp enough to easily cut through bread." Miranda watches Jay as he furrows his brow in concentration. The outline of a knife appears in his hand and gradually fills into the real thing, granted at a much slower rate than Miranda's. "Alright, you've got the making portion down at least... hmm let's try something different... dont worry so much about the quality of the item, worry more about the speed. Say you're getting mugged? Can't really waste the time to think about it."

Kyle spraks up, "maybe he can work faster in distress?"

"That's a great idea! Jay we're gonna simulate a mugging, and you need to kill me before I kill you."

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