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Jay sighed as he slinked into the shower, his face was bruised, his arms weak, and his spirit crushed. He sat down on the floor of the shower, letting the water run over his body. He was almost content with the warmth, this was the first shower in roughly a week that he'd had, but he worried that Kyle might be waiting for him. Jay quickly cleaned himself up dried off and put on the clothes that Kyle had left hanging on the doorframe. A T-shirt and basketball shorts, not jays ideal outfit but better than the robes the society had him in.

Kyle was sitting on his couch with his head leaned back, eyes closed, thinking. He had hoped there might be someone to take the kid off his hands; however every likely candidate turned out to be an asshole. Kyle felt a presence in the room and spoke, "that was quick, I suppose I'm taking care of you for a while?" Kyle sighed, "I'm new to this whole roommate thing, you hungry?"

Jay smirked slightly and mumbled something under his breath.

"Hmm? You gotta speak up I don't understand bitch."

Jay's smirk turned into a frown, "I said you haven't even introduced me to yourself yet..."

Kyle's face contorted with what appeared to be skepticism, "what do you want a fuckin game show intro? Alright I can do that." Kyle smirked and clapped his hands. The room began to spin around Jay and soon it was a studio, an audience sat around Jay, and Kyle stood atop a stage. "Good evening, Normal! And welcome to 'What The Fuck Did I Do To Deserve This!' I'm your host, Kyle ledger! And we have a very special guest today! The bastard that's staying with me because he can't keep his mouth shut!" Kyle motions at Jay.

A microphone appears in Jay's hand and with a look of amusement he stutters, "J-Jay Varne..." The audience applauds and then Jay's sitting on the couch next to Kyle while Kyle stares into outer space.

"Happy now, Jay?" Kyle says, smugly.

Jay just shrugs and looks around the room. Before finding the courage to ask some questions. "So... Kyle, w-what are you?"

Kyle looks at Jay with what is almost laughter, "ah if only I had a dollar for every time I've been asked that. Listen jay, we live in a world where there are lesser demons and goblins, such as you, and higher demons and monsters, such as the society. Me? Well I'm on the top of the food chain baby." Kyle shrugs and props his feet up on his coffee table, arms behind his head using his hands as a pillow. "If we're asking intrusive questions, lemme ask you one, what can you do?"

"W-What do you mean?" Jay asked nervously.

"The society would not have called me to take care of you unless you could do something pretty powerful." Kyle sighed, sat up and looked at Jay with serious eyes, "what can you do?"

"I-I-I can make things appear..." Jay said shyly. "Like out of thin air"

"Show me."

Jay closed his eyes and worked his hands in his lap as if he were tinkering with something soon enough a hat was materializing in front of Kyle's eyes. "That's it I can make things from nothing."

"That's pretty cool." Kyle looked down, "doesn't explain why they'd want you out of the picture though."

A bit of time passed, Kyle had finally decided to call it a night. "Listen I'm going to bed. I don't care what you do just don't leave I've got a protective barrier around my house nothing gets in or out without my say so."

Jay smiled nodded his head and laid down on the couch.

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