Getting to know us

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Jay sighed and rubbed his mouth leaning his head against the window of the vehicle. He was watching the lampposts go by and couldn't help but think about how he could be dead. They were roughing him up pretty badly inside the restaurants basement. He turned to Kyle who had a hand on the wheel and the other resting outside of his open window, "I-I have to thank you for accepting to take me..."

Kyle's eyes widened, but he never looked up from the road, "What?"

Jay leaned back over and glanced out the window. "You saved my life, if it weren't for you I'd have been killed."

"Oh, really? What could 'you' have possibly done that's so bad that they'd want you dead? If anything you're just more for me to worry about. They probably paid you to be here!"

Jay flinched and pulled himself into a little ball at the sudden hostility, "I-I you saved m-me why would I- why are you being so r-rude?"

Kyle laughed and rolled his eyes. "What are you gonna do about it huh? Cry?"

"M-maybe!" Jay said, tears already streaming down his cheeks. "I went through a door in the bathroom and overheard something about a drug deal... I gasped and they came and got me. Tied me to a chair punched me, kicked me, ripped my skin off. Days passed and then I got dragged into an echoey room and I heard you telling them off. I thought maybe you'd come to save me..."

Kyle watched the road, silently, deliberately, he almost wanted to apologize but that would be out of character, he took a deep breath and finally said, "Look, I don't want to hurt your feelings, I am sorry if I already have. But I've got a life to live and you, you don't understand, how dangerous living with me could be."

Jay sighed and stared out the window solemnly. "Maybe not... but you don't understand how exciting it is to have somewhere to live at all..." Jay closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

"SHIT!" There was a loud crash and the sound of metal scraping across concrete Jay woke up with the car in a ditch and Kyle nowhere to be found.

Jay hadn't learned Kyle's name yet, so he couldn't call out to him, it was hot very hot, Jay was burning what was causing this heat?

Kyle stood in the middle of the freeway holding a Scottish claymore, "Why don't you guys learn that you can't kill me?" He leapt into the air and followed through with a slash directly through the chest of the cause of the accident. "You keep coming, and I keep cutting you down. Why not tell your whole tribe to give. The. Fuck. Up?!" A large clawed hand grabbed Kyle and lifted him into the air.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, BOY?" A centaur that has to be 15 stories tall, with flaming hair and tail held Kyle up to his face and yelled.

"Well apparently a rag doll. Can we get this over with please?" Kyle stabbed the hand of the monster and transformed the claymore into a stick of dynamite. The beast's hand was blown clean off and Kyle laughed as his pen returned to his hand. "Wanna lose ole lefty too?" Kyle landed on the ground with a flourish as the monster snarled, turned tail and ran off. "Well that was eventful."

Jay had witnessed most of the event from behind the overturned car. He was more afraid of Kyle now than ever. He didn't even flinch when grabbed by such a creature.

Kyle saw Jay through the car windows and walked over to him. "Damn, cars totaled. Oh well. Now that you've had a taste of my daily life, care for the entree?"

Jay sighed and grabbed Kyle's hand as it was offered to him, and when he blinked found himself in a pristine bathroom. "Go ahead get yourself cleaned up. I'm in the room over if ya need anything." Kyle spoke through the door...

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