Undying beast

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Shelgrath brought his foot down and with a crushing sound, saw the ground around him crumble. He laughed until he realized his body was sliding apart from himself. He couldn't see anymore but he knew it had to be Kyle. Sure enough, Kyle was standing under him holding Jay against his chest with a large rotating blade that cut directly through Shelgraths leg.

"You are a trouble maker." Shelgrath laughed and let his body deform and reform into a new shelgrath red with five eyes.

"You really are proving to be a bitch, y'know?" Kyle said to the monster. Before jumping and placing Jay on a ledge and coming back down with a slash slicing Shelgraths face open, and watching it repair itself almost instantaneously. "Why won't you die?"

"The secret of my people. We've learned that cellular mitosis is possible at a much higher rate when harmed, so we've developed a breathing technique. Nothing can kill us." Shelgrath laughed and grabbed Kyle holding him up and slamming him into the wall of a building sliding him down it face first.

Jay watched with fear moving through his body, he could help somehow, 'he said cellular mitosis, what if the cell was destroyed. Scar tissue can't heal... maybe, maybe if he burned became nothing more than ash...' Jay set to work he'd need lots of time.

Kyle had broken out of the beasts grasp and jammed pandora into its head hanging its shape into a massive circular saw, such as you'd see in a lumber mill, grinding and cutting at Shelgraths head leaving him no choice but to reform again. This time green with 2 eyes, like the original.

"Try all you can, boy, you can't kill me! I will beat you and own the title of most powerful." Shelgrath laughed a mighty roar and backhanded Kyle into the ground before stomping on him one good time, Kyle lay there and let it happen. His pain tolerance was incredible. Kyle needed to find out how he could get rid of this nuisance. Kyle actually had fear in his heart, he had worry, he was having fun.

"Glad yo finally have a worthy opponent, Shelgrath. But you won't best me. No one can. No one will." Kyle sighed and sliced his legs up again. And finally chopped his entire body, until it just reformed again.

Jay had finished what he was working on and whistles at Kyle, "Kyle! I know how to kill him for good, use this!" Jay pointed at the large metal gun in front of him, it was as most would call it a flame thrower, however this one had something none others did. A demon behind the trigger.

Kyle smiles up at him and leapt to grab the thrower but Shelgraths hand met him halfway sending him further into the ground leaving him breathless for a moment, as he hadn't seen it coming. Shelgrath got onto his knees and balled his fist up. He brought it down into Kyle with such force it shook the entire city, Kyle felt it that's for sure he couldn't get his bearings as a barrage of punches met his body and left him in such unimaginable pain.

Jay was to tears, he was watching his guarding be murdered and couldn't do anything, so he decided to do something. Jay stood up grabbed the flamer, and looked down at the beast with such malice that would scare even the most psychotic of men, and pulled the trigger sending four balls of flame onto Shelgraths back. Jay didn't know it at the time but he was glowing with energy, and his own spirit had been called out sending blades of fire into the beasts back along with the balls.

Shelgrath gasped and looked up standing at full height he was eye to eye with Jay, Jay being on a ledge up in the air on the side of a building, and snarled a vicious growl, reaching up to grab him, but Jay wouldn't allow it, he sent more fire into its face, melting it away, powder falling from its face instead of reforming.

Kyle smiles and stood up, he was finally given a break. He watched as Shelgraths face turned from pride into a contorted pain. "That oughtta," Kyle coughed, "teach ya." Kyle laughed and collapsed on the ground. Passed out.

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