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Third person P.O.V.

As Kronk exited the kitchen of the restaurant he worked at, carrying several trays full of food, looked around for a woman he had been noticing to come in almost everyday for the past 3-4 weeks. He enjoyed having her as a customer, and would converse with her whilst he served her food that she ordered. She always got something different, which he thought was something quite attractive about her.

Observing that she liked trying new/different things, he would give her a small, free dessert each meal she came in for, something different each time.

She would give feedbacks, and tell him which desserts were her favorites and why at the end of each week, so he could know whether to add them to the menu or not.

The day before, right after she exited the doors that then separated them, he was encountered by his shoulder angel and shoulder devil.

After quite a conversation, they, together, all decided he would ask her out for dinner the next day, which was now today. He was feeling confident, and ready to ask this beautiful woman to dine with him later that evening.

He noticed she wasn't there, and a frown took over his face. He then remembered he was holding customers' food, so he went around and passed out food to those waiting for their delicious food.

Approaching Pacha and his family, he set their food onto the table.

"Why the long face, Kronk?" Pacha asked, genuine curious it's etched onto his face.
"Well ya see, there's this woman that's been coming here for awhile. I was planning on asking her to dinner tonight, but I don't see her."

"I'm sure she'll show, good luck Kronk." Pacha's wife, Chicha, told him with a warm smile on her face.

"Wait a second... chefs eat out at other places?" Pacha and Chichas middle child, Tipo asked.

"Well sure they do honey. Be careful, you almost knocked your water cup over." Chicha responded.

"If you need anything, Kronk, we're here. Thanks for the food, good luck with your gal pal dinner-date." Pacha joked, while still being somewhat serious.

As Kronk flashed them a smile, he quickly was met with a sad smile forming on his face once again. Then he heard the bell ring, signifying someone had entered. His face flashed upwards, like a little puppy. He turned quickly to the door, only to be met by Rudy. But behind Rudy, was the girl, who he knew as (Y/N), was patiently waiting for Rudy to continue walking. He practically sprinted towards the door, and greeted Rudy and led him to an empty table after making small talk. After rushing all of this, he then rushed back to the door where (Y/N) was waiting to be seated.

"Hello (Y/N), hows your day going? For a while I thought you might've found e different place to get food." Kronk spoke, while leading her to an empty booth not far from the kitchen, so Kronk would be able to sneak glances at her while preparing food.

"Oh Kronk, you know I wouldn't even dream about going somewhere other than here. Here I not only get delicious food, I get to see you!" She explained.

A smile grew on his face and he laughed a small laugh. He took her order, and went to the kitchen to make her meal.

<oo, magical time skip bbs>

As Kronk set the check into the table (Y/N) was seated at, he began preparing how he would ask, like he had been all day and night.

"So, (Y/N). Have any plans tonight?"

"No I don't believe so.. why?" She asked, as she took out the money to pay.

"Well I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with me?"

(Y/N) grew a smile on her face as she heard the words escape the nervous Kronks mouth.

"I would love to." She answered.

Kronks face lit up.

"Great, I'll pick you up at 8." He said, with a smirk on his face as he walked calmly and coolly to the kitchen. The second the door closed, everyone could hear the loud "YES!!" escape the happy Kronk.

Vote if you want a part two
(I'll probably make one but a bit would still be nice)
Sorry for the wait of the update, I've had so much school work to catch up on. I have been working on a new story that I'll be publishing hopefully sometime this week if I can finish editing the first few chapters. baiiiii


Kronk imagines/one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now