Kronky-Poo, I love you

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Third person P.O.V

It was a Saturday afternoon, and you were waiting for Kronk to get home from work. You two hadn't had much time alone lately, you seemed to always seemed to be interrupted by something when the two of you were in the middle of enjoying time together.

Tonight, you had a special night planned for the two of you.

Since Kronk was a chef, he was the one constantly preparing food for you at home after work, and at work, you decided to prepare a full course meal for the two of you. It was his favorite meal, the same one he got on your guys' first date. You wanted tonight to be similar to your first date. Not exactly the same, but similar.

But, tonight had a twist. Tonight, there was a special, extra add-on. But of course that wasn't the only thing, you were also planning on telling him you loved him.

You loved Kronk, but every time you tried to tell him, you were interrupted. But tonight was the night. No interruptions. Just you, him, the fantastic meal, and your bed you had previously covered in rose petals. You were using the restroom when you heard the front door open and Kronk yell to you. You quickly exited the bathroom.

Your P.O.V.

"(Y/n)-poo, I'm home! Sorry I'm late, Rudy came by as I was closing asking for me to make him a small dessert, I couldn't say no to him" He said, making his way to the kitchen where I had just walked to after exiting the restroom. "It's alright, hun. Rudy's a sweet old man." I replied. "I have a special, and romantic evening planned for us tonight."

"Oh is that so?" Kronk asked, a smirk finding its way onto his face.

"Yes, it is." I responded, a smirk playing on my lips as I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, and his arms found his way around my hips. He then quickly pulled me into a deep, passionate kiss.

I pulled away, purposefully being a tease.

"I made your favorite meal, Kronky."

"Oh yes you did." He said, as he raised an eyebrow, playfully and seductively.

"Sit down and eat while I," I spoke as I led him to a chair and whispered this into his ear while tracing random shapes on his sharp jawline, "serve you." I finished this last part and carefully, playfully, and aggressively but seductively bit his ear and walked around him and to a seat across from at the table. As I walked behind him, I traces my finger along his back.

When I reached my seat, I slowly way down.

~-~magical time skip *356 seconds later*~-~

Third Person P.O.V.

You and Kronk were both almost finished with your plates of food, you were both fast eaters.

You looked up to see him looking at you as he swallowed his last bite.

"Wow." You heard him say.

"Wow, what?" You replied, sincerely confused what he was wowed by.

"You're gorgeous, have I ever told you that?" You felt your cheeks blush. You didn't know if you should go with snarky/playful response or sincere/thankful response.

"Yeah, I think you've told me about a hundred times." Snarky/playful it is, I guess.

"Well, 101 times then. You. Are. Gorgeous." If y Lou weren't blushing before, you were now.

Then you got a sudden boost of confidence.

Your P.O.V.

"Kronk," you began.

"Yes hunny-bear?"

"Well Kronky, theres something I want to tell you. I've been wanting to tell you for awhile now, but I've been interrupted every time I try to tell you."

"Well, go on" he made a motion with his hand telling you to proceed.

"Kronky-Poo, I love you."

"I love you too, (y/n)-Poo."

"I mean it, I really do love you Kronk."

"Aww, and I do too, hunny."

You both stood up and walked to each other from your sides of the table, and as you reached him, he pulled you into a warm, welcoming, passionate, and loving kiss. It was warm and sent chills down your spine. Good chills though.

As he broke the kiss, he said, "Tonight was great, (y/n). Thank you."

"What makes you think it's over?" You asked, a smirk playing on your lips. Then you slowly led him to the rose petal covered bed, and you two did your thing. It was your guys' best date yet.

The end


Sorry I didn't update last week, I fell asleep while writing. I trashed that chapter cause it sucked so I wrote this one. I'm sorry if it sucks I wrote it in about 15 minutes.


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