Wedding Day ~ <requested>

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Requested by designated-driver
i haven't been to a wedding in YEARS so bare with me through this and excuse any mistakes please and thank you! I tried not to stick to a specific venue or a specifically religious wedding, i tried to make it so anyone could read it. Hope you enjoy this ridiculousness

Standing there, looking in the mirror at yourself standing in your beautiful and elegant, long, white dress, you found yourself emotional and on the verge of tears. You couldn't believe it; today was the day you married the love of your life, Kronk.

Although the two of you had been engaged for two years, having the wedding now seemed overdue. You both knew you wanted to marry each other within months of dating, and the both of you were blissful that the day had finally arrived.

After a few more minutes of some final touch ups to your appearance, your bridesmaid made her way over to you and explained it was almost time for you and your father (or father figure or whoever would walk you) to walk down the aisle.

~small time skip~

You walked down the aisle, arm linked with your father, excitement and nervousness flowing throughout your whole body as you catch the gaze of your soon to be husband.

Kronk watches as you walk, each step igniting something inside of him, triggering another butterfly to swarm in his stomach for each foot you got closer to him, and each moment passing as you were getting closer and closer to being his wife.

He admired your beauty each step you took, taking notice in the way you styled your hair differently than you normally did. He was in such a daze, he didn't even notice you were now standing in front of him.

The man marrying you two's words went by as a blur to both you and kronk, you were both staring into each other's eyes, caught up in the moment. It wasn't until the "i do"s that you two were snapped out of your dreamy states.

a/n—this next part is probably so off so please excuse my mistakes... i kinda lost track and didn't know what i was doing so i left it at this. sorry :\

"I, Kronk, take thee y/n, (this is funny to me lol "thee yn" sorry bye) to be my wife. To have and to hold from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

"I, y/n, take thee kronk, to be my husband. To have and to hold from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

"you may now kiss the bride" was the last thing you heard before kronk embraced you in a warm, loving kiss.

this is terrible. sorry, i'm not good with weddings.

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