Chapter 7: A serious talk

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Day 22


"What do you want, Malfoy?"

Harry sits at the Gryffindor table with Malfoy. Already the holidays, and the bond hadn't gone away.

"You're not eating, Harry. You okay?" He asks.

"I'm fine. Just leave me alone." Harry replies moodily. Draco doesn't know why, but this annoys him.

"Listen here, Potter, but if you die, I might die too. I don't want to take that risk. So, will you tell me what's going on, or will I have to force it out of you." He snaps, annoyed and irritated. Mainly, it was concern.

"I'm just not hungry, okay?" Harry barks back. Draco looks at Harry's plate.

"Harry, you haven't eaten in days. I can tell you're not okay. Please, just tell me what it's about." He begs. Harry's shoulders cave in, and he sighs in defeat.

"Fine. Follow me." He says, moving off the table. Draco has no choice but to follow Harry through the confusing maze of Hogwarts.

Finally, they reach an empty classroom. Harry closes the door, then sits down on one of the chairs. His body position is so defeated, Draco can't help but to feel pity for the Boy Who Lived.

"So, what is it?" Draco inquires. Harry sighs deeply.

"Are you sure you have to know this? Can't you just know I'm not alright then move on?" The look on Draco's face tells him everything he needs to know.

"Fine. I... I think I'm gay..."

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