Chapter 12: Lost

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Draco POV

By the next week, Draco had helped Harry to start eating again. Small meals, but still meals.


The word crashes his thoughts to a halt. He can tell there is desperation behind them.

Potter, what's going on?

Draco sits up from the couch he was sitting on. Before he can think, he is out of the Slytherin common room.

Shrieking Shack, Malfoy. Please.

Draco is now speeding through the corridors. He is terrified for Harry.

"Malfoy! What are you doing?" A voice shrills. Draco looks to see Hermione Granger standing in front of him.

"Harry." He puffs. Hermione looks mad.

"What about him?" She asks, sounding like a teacher.

"I think he's in trouble. We need to go to the Shrieking Shack. Now." Draco says in one breath.

Hermione nods, and runs by Draco's side through Hogwarts.

They sprint through Hogsmead to the Shrieking Shack. Inside, they hear voices.

"-Killed Voldemort. Don't you think that requires punishment, Alecto?" A female's voice says.

"Certainly, Amycus." A male this time.

"Crucio!" The woman calls out. Draco hears Harry screaming as the spell hits him.

Harry. Are you there? Are you okay?

Draco listens for a reply. Eventually, one arrives.

Please... Hurry...

"We need to go in now." Draco whispers to Hermione. She nods.

Draco rushes in as the male yells out a spell.


Draco freezes, a memory flashing past.

Pain. Blood was everywhere. He was sobbing on the wet floor. What had Potter done?

When the memory fades, it's Harry that the spell hit. Draco can only think of one thing.

"Harry! Stay alive, please!"

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